
9.00 - 9.05am
MC Extraordinaire: Adam Spencer, Media Provocateur, Math Geek
9.05 - 9.20am
NSW.AI: the Digital Capital of the Southern Hemisphere
Opening Keynote Speaker: The Hon. Victor Dominello, Minister for Customer Service and Minister for Digital, NSW Government
9.20 - 9.35am
Keynote Address: The Intelligent Future, Now: the Business Imperative
Speaker: Chris Kelly, Senior Vice President, Data Center Solutions, Dell Technologies, Asia Pacific & Japan
9.35 - 9:50am
Keynote Address: Bringing Money by Afterpay to Life
Speaker: Lee Hatton, Executive Vice President, Afterpay
9:50 - 10.30am
THE STAND-OUTS: Best Use Cases Panel
Moderator: Adam Spencer
10:30 - 11.00am
Morning Tea
11.00 - 11:15am
Fireside Chat with ...
Adam Spencer and Nick Eshkenazi, Group Chief Digital Technology Officer, Woolworths Group
11:15 - 11.30am
Keynote Address: CBA Leverages Leading AI to Deliver Personalised Support to Customers and Communities
Speaker: Dr. Andrew McMullan, Chief Data and Analytics Officer, Commonwealth Bank of Australia
11:30 - 11:45am
Fireside Chat with ...
Adam Spencer and Sweta Mehra, Chief Marketing Officer, ANZ and Pegasystems' Senior Director, Industry Principle Financial Services and Insurance, Jonathan Tanner
11.45 - 12.30pm
THE CHIEFS: CXO Leaders Panel
Moderator: Adam Spencer
12.30 - 1.45pm
1.45 - 2.00pm
Keynote Address: Re-imagining the Future Hybrid Workforce: the Atlassian Experiment
Speaker: Dominic Price, Work Futurist, Atlassian
2.00 - 2.45pm
THE CHANGE MAKERS: The Future of Work Panel
Moderator: Adam Spencer
2.45 - 3.00pm
Keynote Address: The Rise of the Augmented Business User
Speaker: Glen Rabie, Chief Executive Officer, Yellowfin
3:00 - 3.15pm
Fireside Chat with ...
Adam Spencer and Richard Heeley, Chief Information Officer, Macquarie Bank (BFS) and Katrina Troughton, Managing Director, IBM Australia and New Zealand
3.15 - 3.45pm
Afternoon Tea
3.45 - 4.00pm
Fireside Chat with ...
Adam Spencer, Matt Pancino, Director, Customer Cloud Strategy, Google; and Lendlease's Co-Group CIO, Harvey Worton
4.00 - 4.45pm
THE BRAINS TRUST: The Ethical Panel
Moderator: Adam Spencer
4.45 - 5.00pm
Keynote Address: Self-Learning AI – Redefining Enterprise Security
Speaker: Sushant Arora, Regional Vice President, ANZ, Darktrace
5.00 - 5.15pm
Keynote Address: The Holy Grail of AI and the Future of Digital People
Speaker: Greg Cross, AI Pioneer, Co-founder and Chief Business Officer, Soul Machines (co-founded with two-time Oscar winner, Mark Sagar)
5.15 - 6.30pm
Prizes Giveaway, Canapes, Music & Networking!
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