Arc Flash + Electric Shock Training
Live Line Safety provides professional Arc Flash + Electric Shock Training, Electrical Safety Training and NFPA 70E® Training. Reach out and let us know how we can spark up your safety program. Let us supplement the Electrical Safety Training with full-service that includes Electric Shock PPE testing and Arc Flash & Electric Shock PPE Sales. We can compliment your Electrical Safety Program with our unique services.
Course instructor, Ruben Larez is experienced and professional while providing effective, quality safety training for your workers exposed to electrical hazards. Learn more about Ruben Larez on LinkedIn.
The courses meet and exceed minimum OSHA requirements set forth in industry standards for electrical hazard awareness, including presentation customization integrating your policies and site specific details, so call Live Line Safety to schedule your next class: 832.770.0311
Arc Flash + Electric Shock Training In the surrounding Houston area.
Based in Houston, Texas serving the surrounding area and surrounding states but not limited. We travel, we go to you.

“We wrapped up our final 8hr Electrical/Arc Flash + Electric Shock Training class, Great job to our Pasadena Team! A special thanks to Live Line Safety Ruben Larez for making this training a great experience by engaging the employees and the environment they work in. Thank you, Live Line Electrical Safety Services!”
– Schwan’s, Walter C.
Who should attend this course?
• Energy or Electrical Personnel & Management
• Engineers
• Maintenance Technicians
• Plumbers
• Mechanical Technicians
• I&E Technicians
• HVAC Technicians
• Journeymen Electricians
• Apprentice Electricians
• Electric Vehicle EV Hybrid Vehicle Mechanics
• Heavy Equipment Managers & Operators
• Supervisors
• Traffic and Signal
• Shop Managers
• Construction Workers
• All technicians who work on or near electricity, circuitry as well as electrical systems.
“I’ve seen great instructors who are able to get the class to engage in the training and also the complete opposite unfortunately. I feel that he falls into the great instructor category and that was on a Zoom call versus in person, which is a challenge in itself! I enjoyed the course.”
-Employee at CBRE
Experienced training delivered to you.
Attendees become more familiar with PPE Selection, Care & Use, Interpreting Arc Flash Labels, and establishing an Energized Electrical Work Zone within the Electric Shock & Arc Flash Boundaries. We explain the importance of preventative maintenance practices needed to maintain normal operating conditions as explained by NFPA 70B all while learning to recognize the hazards associated with the risks of working on or near dangerous electrical hazards in the workplace.

Another 2-day training course for #EnchantedRock completed. Much appreciate the training for all trades within the company receiving 2-day training courses. They’re going above and beyond on helping their techs recognize the hazards involved with providing turnkey power generation solutions all while keeping their employees safe.
Have Questions?
For questions or more info about our services, feel free to email: [email protected] or call us at: 832.770.0311
Call us for a free, over-the-phone consultation. Ask questions before booking a class and make sure we get all the details needed to quote the course(s) accurately and effectively train the audience. We are more than pleased to help.
Live Line is looking forward to an opportunity to work with you and your company!
Live Safe!
Look for our free resources. We also offer a plenty of free Electrical Safety and Arc Flash Tables info on our Resources Page.
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