Tested with 9to5Toys

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336 'Tested with 9to5Toys' stories

June 2020 - March 2025

Tested with 9to5Toys - tech reviews

Tested with 9to5Toys – Tech reviews, EDC gear, everyday essentials, smart home, iPhone cases, chargers, and more

This is the home of Tested with 9to5toys – our very own special brand of hands-on reviews.

Featuring everything from everyday essentials and tech accessories, to iPhone cases, EDC bags, smart home add-ons, and more, it provides an ultra-digestible look at what it’s like to use all of this gear.

Sometimes there’s just no need to read long-form, wordy pieces that are mostly just regurgitating the specs you can find yourself in two seconds online. Sometimes you just need something that gets right to the point, delivering some personal thoughts on exactly what’s great and, in some cases, what’s not so great about a particular product. And that’s what separates Tested with 9to5Toys from your average hands-on review. 

It, much like the typical reviews you know and love around here, does indeed give you hands-on, real-world impressions of a wide breadth of gear we ourselves use everyday. But unlike a typical review, it provides a bite-size look at a particular product, a straight shot right to the heart of what it’s like to actually put this gear to work on a daily basis.

If there’s any gear you want us to try, whatever it might be, just so you don’t have to spend any cash on it before you know for sure what it’s like…drop us a line and we’ll do everything we can to make it happen!

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