Bioethics Education International (BEI) advances policy and intercultural bioethics debates from the beginning to the end of life.

Who We Are

BEI is a 501c3 tax exempt not-for-profit international organization incorporated in the State of New York, located in Manhattan.

Who will benefit from BEI’s programs and activities?

The organization benefits students, professionals and policy makers from various fields, such as healthcare, the humanities, and the law, as well as policy makers and the public at large. It aims to provide stakeholders with resources to understand and find solutions to issues in global health, health care, new medical technologies, and the life sciences.

How will BEI achieve its educational and outreach purposes?

Through an online bioethics hub, BEI is offering engaging and interactive e-learning courses, webinars, and training sessions. The hub will offer timely topics in bioethics in creative ways, incorporating an interdisciplinary and intercultural approach to confronting ethical issues in medicine, bioscience, medical technology, life sciences, and the environment. BEI provides public access to international bioethics education, facilitates collaborative learning, networking and community debates across the life course around the globe.

News and Articles

Train clinical AI to reason like a team of doctors

Following a surge of excitement after the launch of the artificial-intelligence (AI) chatbot ChatGPT in November 2022, governments worldwide have been striving to craft policies that will foster AI development while ensuring the technology remains [...]

Train Clinical AI to Reason Like a Team of Doctors

Christopher R. S. Banerji, Tapabrata Chakraborti, Aya Abdelsalam Ismail, Florian Ostamnn, and Ben D. MacArthur propose that encoding conceptual reasoning in AI, mirroring established clinical decision-making processes, can support oversight and act as a blueprint [...]

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