We drove to Southern California two days after we flew home from Northern California. The main purpose of the trip was Stepan Kandralyan's Wedding in LA, but we crammed in a lot.
We headed straight for the beach as soon as we arrived (well first we had some Great Mex tacos - a stop we always make ever since Jess and Adam introduced us).
I'm always so impressed and grateful for the beach. It's so special and beautiful and powerful. Feels like a fresh start.
Sweet Jo Bird was kind of sick, which made for a really easy drive - but a not-so-great trip to the beach for her. She was a good sport but didn't play in the sand or the water.
But Henry loved the beach and loved running away from the tide with Alex.
Jo fell asleep in my arms.
This was one of the first times I really enjoyed having one girl and one boy. It was fun to see Henry and Alex play while Jo and I rested on the sand.
This was taken on the couch in our hotel room after Henry's bath and right before bedtime. We were waiting for Jimmy and Jamie and Elliot to arrive. We didn't get to play with them long, but it was fun to see them and watch Henry and Elliot notice each other for the first time and play a little together. Again - no pictures of everyone together.
Playing at the beach before our breakfast arrived at The Beachcomber.
The Armenian Wedding!! It was such a beautiful Cathedral and ceremony. The music and the bride and everyone were so pretty.
The party and dinner were out of control! So fun and so impressive. They didn't hold back on anything - food, flowers, music, SPECIAL EFFECTS! It really was incredible. Manana and Tanya were so beautiful and Tanya gave such a great speech. I loved being there.
And I loved being there with everyone that was there.
It was totally worth the effort to get there - and to get babysitters! Christie Madsen took Jo, totally last minute and even let us stay late and wake her up in the middle of the night to retrieve her. Jimmy and Jamie were so sweet and took Henry all night and let him sleep over. And Jimmy posted the cutest pic of Henry and Elliot on Jimmy's lap reading a story in pjs. It was super cute.
So we got home late and woke up early the next morning for DISNEYLAND!
I was a little worried how the day would go because Henry seemed pretty tired that morning and a little cranky. But in true Henry fashion, his excitement took over and overshadowed any crankiness. He definitely takes after Alex. I knew it was going to all be okay when we were in the parking lot. Henry didn't really understand where we were going or what Disneyland is. But when we were getting on the buses that take us to the park Henry started getting excited. Our bus was a Toy Story bus and he as soon as he spotted it he started calling out the names "Buss! Woody! Toppy (Potato Head)!". And then we got on the bus and sat down and Henry started yelling out "Minnie!". There was a girl wearing Minnie Ears. He had NO idea what he was in for! I had recorded this on my snapchat and even though I kept scolding Alex about saving his snap story, I didn't save mine!!
Henry was so excited about all the Mickey's he was seeing as we got to the ticket booths and then when we walked in California Adventure he loved all the Mickey hats in the store. It was perfect timing because we happened to enter the park just as Mickey was making his way around the park with the trolley. So we saw Mickey right when we entered! Unfortunately, I thought I was recording the whole thing but missed it! I do have a video of the moments right after. So I'll just have to store up those first memories in my brain.
First stop CARS LAND
and meeting Lightening McQueen!
Henry was nervous but loved it. And he loved seeing Mater.
He also rode the tractor ride with Alex which he loved and which I have a movie of.
Then on to Bugs Land. We watched the trailer for the new dinosaur moving in their theater and that was surprisingly a favorite thing of mine that day.
Henry went on the ride again with Wyatt and Courtney and James.
Monster's Inc ride.

Then we took a break in the animation place with the big screens of movies. It was so fun.
Then Sully! Henry was so excited to see him (I have a video) and was so nervous when he walked up to him.

We finally made it over to Disneyland. First matter of business was lunch with some corn dogs and naps in the strollers for James and Henry. Henry was so tired he woke up, got out of the crib and then fell asleep in Alex's arms. This NEVER HAPPENS! All the excitement of the morning had worn him out.

This picture of Jo was taken in the diaper room. She was so good. This was definitely not a trip for her and it was so humid and sweaty but she was so sweet and such a good sport. 

The pictures above were one of the very magical times of the day. We saw bits of the parade (something I want to make a priority and plan for the next time we go) and Henry loved it! He loved Donald! That's who he was waving to. And I love the picture of him talking to me. He's so intent. When he's really into something he doesn't get smiley and excited, just intense and serious. It's so cute. He's such a little man.
This was the most beautiful time of the whole day. I wish I had a picture of pretty James over by Small World at this moment.
One of the few things Henry would eat. That and a churro.
Sweaty, sweaty Jo.
Gah! I hate that I didn't get more pictures of James. She was so cute in the park and also such a trooper! I can't wait to go more as these kiddos get bigger and can really enjoy it.
I have videos of the whole group here - with Jamie and Hunter too. Which I'm so sad I didn't get pictures with them! Something to note - I need more pictures of the group.
And back to Cars Land and the Radiator Springs ride.
Yay! One picture with Jamie! Now I just wish I had one with Hunter too. It was such a good, easy group and I think everyone had a really good time.
Finished the day off with the water and lights show in California Adventure - which was actually the only disappointing thing of the whole day, but still fun.
As was expected, Henry fell asleep in the car. But unlike normal, he stayed asleep on Alex's shoulder all the way to our room. He was exhausted!
It was such a fun day. The pictures don't even do it justice. It was one of my very favorite trips to Disneyland. There were very little rides, but so much magic. Henry loved seeing the characters. It all came to life for him. I loved watching him love it. Until next time!