Dicey Dungeons is a Roguelike card game where you play as one of six characters while battling your way through the many dungeons that come your way. After playing a game as five different characters, you unlock episodes, each having a boss for you to fight at the end.
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Many aspects come into the game's difficulty, with the characters you unlock becoming progressively harder to play as; each with their move types and equipment you begin with in a match. But every solid loadout needs some handy tools to help along the way. Here are some of the best pieces of equipment you'll want to make use of in Dicey Dungeons.
12 Bear Maul+
When playing as the bear (which, yes, is a real thing included in the game), you get equipment specifically catered towards how a bear may attack. Rather than having the usual tricks like Lockpick that allow you to split a dice into two, you instead have primarily attack-based moves. One such move is the Bear Maul, which is even more helpful when upgraded to Bear Maul+.
The upgraded version can do up to ten points in damage, since the attack power is the number on the dice you use plus an extra four damage. For some battles, getting through is a breeze, but it can be even more satisfying if these battle times are shortened. Bear Maul+ is great for this particular use.
11 Combat Roll
Combat Roll lets you reroll dice three times per turn. If you're aiming for a certain number, or an odd or even number so you can use a particular attack, Combat Roll is there to help. Being one of the most basic and simple to use bits of equipment, it's interesting that it's also one that can be what either makes or breaks your run.
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Combat Roll essentially hands you another chance with the possibility of the newly rolled dice being just the number you needed to win the match. Risktaking has never looked so good.
10 Lockpick
Lockpick splits a dice into two, so you have an extra chance to make an attack. However, there's no guarantee how this dice will be divided. If splitting a number five, for example; it could split into three and two or into four and one. It's definitely a gamble but one that should be helpful even if it isn't your most ideal outcome.
Sometimes you need that extra boost to help along with the battle, especially since certain foes have complex attacks that begin to stack on the damage your character will take.
9 Battle Axe
The Battle Axe can do up to eight damage, with the maximum number on the dice you can use to activate this being four. Say you use a number two die, for example. Battle Axe will duplicate this number by two and do four damage to your opponent.
It's not the most powerful thing out there, but it's one you can always trust since it isn't difficult to access or use. And it works wonders if you utilize this piece of equipment on each turn of a match.
8 Venus Fly Trap
Access to healing is minimal, making the game significantly more complicated since you'll take damage all the time. If you use Venus Fly Trap, using a number six die to access it, it'll restore two of your health points. If you use any number die lower than six, it'll instead damage your foe by the number on the dice.
Either way, it'll help you out, so it's useful to at least think about the advantages of this particular piece of equipment.
7 Poison Needle+
The upgraded version of Poison Needle gives you five uses per turn, where each use inflicts one poison to your opponent. It's another excellent example of stacking and how to use it well in Dicey Dungeons' combat. Using Poison Needle along with other powerful weapons, like equipment that inflicts a ton of damage, is the way to go.
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Mixing and matching attack moves is a core part of the gameplay, and Poison Needle+ is one of the tools you'll want to be using as often as possible.
6 Cauldron
Using Cauldron grants you a dual bonus since you receive a new dice after inflicting one damage on your enemy. This could very well have the same number as the dice you just used or a different number that could be more useful to you.
It's a little bit of a gamble for what you'll get in return, but one that will usually pay off, as the combat system of Dicey Dungeons makes it so you'll rarely not be able to use all your dice in a turn.
5 Magic Shield
Magic Shield is fantastic for stacking up on your defense, especially against enemies who do a lot of damage. It will provide you with the necessary cover so you can take more hits than usual without having to worry too much about which moves to use and when.
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This way, say you take five damage, for example, and that's the same number of defense your shield has; it will simply get rid of your protection instead of damaging your player's health. Every time Magic Shield is used, it adds three defense to your character, so when stacked, it can become pretty powerful.
4 Counterfeit
Have you ever really wished for just one extra move so you can ensure you'll come out on the winning side? It's a pretty important thing in video games, especially when foes decide to pull out some sneaky attacks you weren't expecting. If you have Counterfeit on hand, you'll be able to duplicate a dice of your choosing so you can make that extra move you could only wish for before.
Using your newly duplicated dice with reusable equipment is a great way to keep inflicting the adverse effects of things like poison, fire, and freezing on your opponent.
3 Matchstick
Matchstick is made doubly useful since it's reusable, so you're free to use it as much as you wish. For example, if the opponent you're fighting has three dice in their hand and they’re planning on using them all in their next turn, you could use Matchstick three times. By doing this, you’ll make it so they have to take damage to be able to make any moves.
This is because using Matchstick adds a burning effect to your opponent's dice. And while it doesn't lock them out from using the die with this effect, it does inflict damage upon them once touched.
2 Pickpocket
Using Pickpocket, every battle grants you one gold, allowing you to buy bigger and better upgrades faster. It may seem like a bad choice to use Pickpocket regularly since you could be putting your dice into attacks to knock down enemy health, but it's using this equipment that will give you access to the more powerful tools available.
Throughout the dungeons, there are carts from which you can purchase any of the equipment for sale. These will help with many different things so you can upgrade your arsenal for the trickier fights ahead.
1 Hammer
Hammer is quite easily the single best piece of equipment in the game because of how reliable it is to use. No matter how many dice you use, it'll aid you significantly in weakening the enemy, and when using a number six dice, Hammer will also inflict one shock.
Sometimes the beings you're fighting will have way more health than you, and it can be daunting to take them on because of this steep difficulty spike. But with Hammer in your loadout, you might just be able to win. It'll still be a tight and tough battle, but one made easier through the means of your shocking best buddy.
NEXT: The Best Roguelike Card Games