Working together for the benefit of the UK workplace transport industry

The Accrediting Bodies Association for Workplace Transport (ABA) aim to reduce workplace transport incidents, injuries and deaths, as well as improve safety, productivity and profitability through training.

The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) sit on the quarterly ABA meetings and provide the ABA with advice on the application of L117.

Five reasons to get your training accredited by an ABA member

Industry Recognised Accreditation

Supportive Materials

Simplify Trainees Certification

Comply with National Standards

External Verification of Training

Representing Industry

The majority of all lift truck training in the UK is conducted through a training provider accredited by a member of the Accrediting Bodies Association for Workplace Transport (ABA).

Latest News

Understanding Lift Truck Categorisation

Understanding Lift Truck Categorisation

A lift truck’s categorisation by the manufacturer is fundamental and unaffected by capacity derating. Whether operating at its original capacity or with a reduced limit due to an attachment, the machine remains engineered to handle the same forces and stresses.

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