Shipping Information at
Free Shipping
Did you know that you get FREE standard shipping when you order $150 or more on
This is how it works, simply add $150 or more worth of Abby Fashions items to your order, you’ll automatically see the FREE shipping savings upon checkout – It cannot apply to orders already in progress.
Free shipping is for standard delivery and United States orders only.
If you are placing an order from outside the U.S., complete order process online or call (952) 220 -2653.
All international orders/address will be shipped via USPS and you can still place the order online through PayPal. Most international shipping will automatically be added to your order. If for any reason you did not see shipping amount, you will be emailed the cost of shipping within one (1) business day.
For international, the shipping cost that is added when you place your order is for items up to 5lb which in most cases is for about 2 items. We will send you an invoice for the shipping cost once we know what you need.
All orders are sent by UPS or US Postal Service Priority.
If you would like to request an expedited shipment (U.S. Orders Only), you must email us to let us know.
When Are Orders Shipped?
On average, orders are shipped within two business days. Some orders are shipped the same day they are placed. In addition, some orders may take up to 4 business days for processing before they are shipped due to different warehouse availability, public holiday and if orders are placed over the weekend. Check out our return policy , terms of use, and our privacy policy.
International Orders – Shipping Information
It takes at least 7 business days to process international order before we ship it. Please allow at least 7 business days after shipping to receive your order. There is no urgent delivery for International orders.
Your tracking information will be sent to you once your order is shipped.
International customers may need to have PayPal account to place an order. If you do not already have an account, Click Here to open free PaPal account.
If you would like to know more about our company, you can send us an email at: [email protected]