SUMMERVILLE, S.C. (WCIV) — Summerville High School was placed on a secure hold after the school received a threat on Thursday morning, officials say.
Summerville PD said the lockdown was later lifted, and everyone is safe.
The high school sent the following message to families:
"Today at approximately 10am law enforcement was notified of a threat that was received by the school. The Summerville Police Department is investigating and SHS will continue with our school day in Secure. We thank everyone for their cooperation. As always, our number one priority is the safety and security of our students and staff. "
Thursday evening, Summerville Police Department announced that a juvenile had been taken into custody with help from the FBI in connection to the threats involving a gun.
The juvenile is facing several charges, including disturbing schools, breach of peace and unlawful communication by telephone.
Police say the juvenile will be held at the Charleston County Juvenile Detention Center.
SPD did not clarify if the arrestee is a student at the high school.