Red Hat Enterprise Linux Application Streams Life Cycle


Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 introduced the concept of Application Streams - multiple versions of user space components that are delivered and updated more frequently than the core operating system packages. This provides greater flexibility to customize Red Hat Enterprise Linux without impacting the underlying stability of the platform or specific deployments.

Components made available as Application Streams can be packaged as:

  • RPM packages
  • Modules
  • Software Collections

Application Streams are delivered through the AppStream repository. Each Application Stream component has a given life cycle, either the same as the RHEL release or shorter.

Application Streams are available for Red Hat Enteprise Linux 8 and 9.


Application Streams will be available during the Red Hat Enterprise Linux lifecycle. Multiple versions of user space components are delivered and updated more frequently than the core operating system packages. This provides greater flexibility to customize Red Hat Enterprise Linux without impacting the underlying stability of the platform or specific deployments.

For details regarding component lifecycles outside of the Application Streams defined below, please see Red Hat Enterprise Linux Life Cycle.

Releases and Support

Red Hat will support Application Streams for the defined life cycle, after which customers are encouraged either to upgrade to a later release or continue on as self-supported without official Red Hat Support. Application Streams will not have a corresponding Extended Update Support (EUS) nor an Extended Life Cycle Support (ELS) offering.

Retired/Deprecated Application Streams packages do not receive updates or Errata.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Application Streams

RHEL 8 Application Streams Release Life Cycle

Application Stream Release Date Retirement Date Release
Ansible Core May 2022 Nov 2023 8.6.0
authd 1.4.4 May 2019 May 2021 8.0.0
container-tools 1.0 May 2019 May 2021 8.0.0
container-tools 2.0 May 2020 May 2022 8.2.0
container-tools 3.0 May 2021 May 2023 8.4.0
container-tools 4.0 May 2022 May 2024 8.6.0
.NET 2.1 May 2019 Aug 2021 8.0.0
.NET 3.0 Nov 2019 Mar 2020 8.1.0
.NET 3.1 Feb 2020 Dec 2022 8.1.1
.NET 5.0 Nov 2020 May 2022 8.3.0
.NET 6.0 Nov 2021 Nov 2024 8.5.0
.NET 7.0 Nov 2022 May 2024 8.7.0
.NET 8.0 Nov 2023 Nov 2026 8.9
FreeRADIUS 3.0 May 2019 May 2029 8.0.0
gcc-toolset 10 Nov 2020 Nov 2022 8.3.0
gcc-toolset 11 Nov 2021 Nov 2023 8.5.0
gcc-toolset 12 Nov 2022 Nov 2024 8.7.0
gcc-toolset 13 Nov 2023 Nov 2025 8.9
gcc-toolset 9 Nov 2019 Nov 2021 8.1.0
Identity Management DL1 May 2019 May 2029 8.0.0
OpenJDK 8 May 2019 May 2026 8.0.0
OpenJDK 11 May 2019 Oct 2024 8.0.0
OpenJDK 17 Nov 2021 Dec 2027 8.5
OpenJDK 21 Nov 2023 Dec 2029 8.9
Mailman 2.1 May 2019 Jun 2024 8.0.0
MariaDB 10.11 May 2024 May 2028 8.10
MariaDB 10.5 May 2021 May 2026 8.4.0
Maven 3.5 May 2019 May 2022 8.0.0
Maven 3.6 May 2020 Apr 2023 8.2.0
Maven 3.8 Nov 2022 Nov 2025 8.7.0
Mercurial 4.8 May 2019 Nov 2022 8.0.0
Mercurial 6.2 Nov 2022 Nov 2025 8.7.0
MySQL 8 May 2019 Apr 2026 8.0.0
NGINX 1.14 May 2019 May 2021 8.0.0
NGINX 1.16 Nov 2019 Oct 2021 8.1.0
NGINX 1.18 Nov 2020 Nov 2022 8.3.0
NGINX 1.20 Nov 2021 Nov 2023 8.5.0
NGINX 1.22 May 2023 Nov 2025 8.8
Node.js 10 May 2019 Apr 2021 8.0.0
Node.js 12 Nov 2019 Apr 2022 8.1.0
Node.js 14 Nov 2020 Apr 2023 8.3.0
Node.js 16 Nov 2021 Apr 2024 8.5.0
Node.js 18 Nov 2022 Apr 2025 8.7.0
Node.js 20 Nov 2023 Apr 2026 8.9
Perl 5.24 May 2019 May 2021 8.0.0
Perl 5.30 Nov 2020 Nov 2023 8.3.0
Perl 5.32 May 2022 Apr 2025 8.6.0
PHP 7.2 May 2019 May 2021 8.0.0
PHP 7.3 Nov 2019 Nov 2021 8.1.0
PHP 8.0 May 2022 Nov 2024 8.6.0
PHP 8.2 May 2024 May 2029 8.10
PostgreSQL 10 May 2019 May 2024 8.0.0
PostgreSQL 13 May 2021 May 2026 8.4.0
PostgreSQL 15 May 2023 May 2028 8.8
PostgreSQL 16 May 2024 May 2029 8.10
PostgreSQL 9.6 May 2019 Nov 2021 8.0.0
Python 2.7 May 2019 Jun 2024 8.0.0
Python 3.11 May 2023 May 2026 8.8
Python 3.8 May 2020 May 2023 8.2.0
Python 3.9 May 2021 Nov 2025 8.4.0
Python 3.12 May 2024 May 2029 8.10
Redis 5 May 2019 May 2022 8.0.0
Ruby 2.6 Nov 2019 Mar 2022 8.1.0
Ruby 2.7 Nov 2020 Mar 2023 8.3.0
Ruby 3.0 Nov 2021 Mar 2024 8.5.0
Ruby 3.1 Nov 2022 Mar 2025 8.7.0
Ruby 3.3 May 2024 Mar 2027 8.10
Scala 2.1 May 2019 May 2023 8.0.0
Apache Subversion 1.14 May 2021 May 2024 8.4.0
SWIG 3 May 2019 May 2022 8.0.0
SWIG 4 May 2021 May 2024 8.4.0
SWIG 4.1 May 2023 May 2027 8.8
Varnish 6 May 2019 May 2029 8.0.0

RHEL 8 Full Life Application Streams Release Life Cycle

Application Stream Release Date Retirement Date Release
Apache Ant 1.1 May 2019 May 2029 8.0.0
Git 2 May 2019 May 2029 8.0.0
Apache httpd 2.4 May 2019 May 2029 8.0.0
Identity Management Client May 2019 May 2029 8.0.0
MariaDB 10.3 May 2019 May 2029 8.0.0
mod_auth_openidc for Apache May 2019 May 2029 8.0.0
NGINX 1.24 May 2024 May 2029 8.10
osinfo-db May 2019 May 2029 8.0.0
Perl 5.26 May 2019 May 2029 8.0.0
PHP 7.4 Nov 2020 May 2029 8.3.0
PostgreSQL 12 Feb 2020 May 2029 8.1.1
Python 3.6 May 2019 May 2029 8.0.0
Redis 6 May 2021 May 2029 8.4.0
Ruby 2.5 May 2019 May 2029 8.0.0
Squid 4 May 2019 May 2029 8.0.0
Apache Subversion 1.10 May 2019 May 2029 8.0.0
virt rhel May 2019 May 2029 8.0.0

RHEL 8 Rolling Application Streams Release Life Cycle

Rolling Application Stream Release Date Product Version Previous Release
container-tools May 2019 rhel8 LINK
Go May 2022 1.20.10 LINK
Java Mission Control Nov 2021 8.0.1 LINK
LLVM May 2022 16.0.6 LINK
GNU Make (Latest Version) Nov 2022 rhel8 LINK
Rust May 2022 1.71 LINK
The above-mentioned tools are available for the following architectures: AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures, the 64-bit ARM architecture, IBM Power Systems, Little Endian, and 64-bit IBM Z.

RHEL 8 Dependent Application Streams Release Life Cycle

Application Stream
389-ds 1.4

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Application Streams

RHEL 9 Application Streams Release Life Cycle

Application Stream Release Date Retirement Date Release
Ansible Core May 2022 Nov 2023 9.0
.NET 6 May 2022 Nov 2024 9.0
.NET 7 Nov 2022 May 2024 9.1
.NET 8 Nov 2023 Nov 2026 9.3
IDM May 2022 May 2027 9.0
gcc-toolset 12 Nov 2022 Nov 2024 9.1
gcc-toolset 13 Nov 2023 Nov 2025 9.3
OpenJDK 1.8.0 May 2022 May 2026 9.0
OpenJDK 11 May 2022 Oct 2024 9.0
OpenJDK 17 May 2022 Dec 2027 9.0
OpenJDK 21 Nov 2023 Dec 2029 9.3
MariaDB 10.11 May 2024 May 2028 9.4
Maven 3.8 Nov 2022 Nov 2025 9.1
Tomcat mod_jk connector for Apache May 2022 May 2027 9.0
JBoss mod_cluster for Apache May 2022 May 2027 9.0
MySQL 8.0 May 2022 Apr 2026 9.0
NGINX 1.22 May 2023 Nov 2025 9.2
NGINX 1.24 May 2024 May 2027 9.4
Node.js 16 May 2022 Apr 2024 9.0
Node.js 18 Nov 2022 Apr 2025 9.1
Node.js 20 Nov 2023 Apr 2026 9.3
PHP 8.1 Nov 2022 May 2025 9.1
PHP 8.2 May 2024 May 2029 9.4
PostgreSQL 15 May 2023 May 2028 9.2
PostgreSQL 16 May 2024 May 2029 9.4
Python 3.11 May 2023 May 2026 9.2
Python 3.12 May 2024 Apr 2027 9.4
Redis 7 Nov 2023 Nov 2026 9.3
Ruby 3.1 Nov 2022 Mar 2025 9.1
Ruby 3.3 May 2024 Mar 2027 9.4

RHEL 9 Full Life Application Streams Release Life Cycle

Application Stream Release Date Retirement Date Release
Apache httpd 2.4 May 2022 May 2032 9.0
MariaDB 10.5 May 2022 May 2032 9.0
NGINX 1.20 May 2022 May 2032 9.0
Perl 5.32 May 2022 May 2032 9.0
PHP 8.0 May 2022 May 2032 9.0
PostgreSQL 13 May 2022 May 2032 9.0
Python 3.9 May 2022 May 2032 9.0
Ruby 3.0 May 2022 May 2032 9.0

RHEL 9 Rolling Application Streams Release Life Cycle

Rolling Application Stream Release Date Product Version Previous Release
container-tools May 2023 rhel9 LINK
GNU Autoconf (Latest Version) May 2024 2.71 LINK
Rust May 2024 1.75.0 LINK
LLVM May 2024 17.0.6 LINK
Firefox May 2023 102.9.0 LINK
Git May 2023 2.39.1 LINK
Go May 2024 1.21.9 LINK
Java Mission Control May 2023 7.1.1 LINK
Thunderbird May 2023 102.9.0 LINK

RHEL 9 Dependent Application Streams Release Life Cycle

  • None at this time