Hazardous Materials
Hazardous materials are part of our lives. Most businesses, schools, and homes use them. For example, if you use any of the following materials, you probably create hazardous waste.
- dyes, paints, thinners, solvents or cleaning fluids.
- materials that burn or itch on contact with skin.
- materials that dissolve metal, wood, paper or clothing.
- pesticide products with warning labels such as flammable, caustic, danger, hazardous or poison.
Hazardous wastes require special handling. You can’t put them in the dumpster, pour them down the drain or allow them to evaporate into the air. You can’t take them to the transfer station. If you are a school or business, you can’t take them to a household hazardous waste facility.
No matter how little hazardous waste you generate, you need to comply with regulations. Which regulations you must comply with depends on how much waste you produce or store.
The regulations for how to handle hazardous waste are spelled out in the State Dangerous Waste Regulations. The regulations address how hazardous waste must be stored, handled, transported and disposed.
If you have hazardous materials for disposal or have any questions concerning hazardous waste you should contact the Central Services Manager.
Stormwater Management
Stormwater Management Educational Flyer
Stormwater Management Plan
Highline College, in compliance with the provisions of the State of Washington Water Pollution Control Law and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, invites the public to comment on the college’s Stormwater Management Plan, Phase II Permit for Western Washington, Permit # WAR04-5712.
Comments may be sent to Barry Holldorf,, or by US Mail to Highline College, Facilities Services, Des Moines, WA 98198.
The following documents are in PDF format.- Stormwater Management Plan – Phase II Permit for Western Washington
- Appendix A – Acronyms and definitions
- Appendix B – Highline storm water system map
- Appendix C – Permit
- Appendix D – Alternate implementation schedule