Monday, February 15, 2016

Held by snow
a dried up curled up leaf
That about describes me right now
I promise to get back to gardening this year
and sharing my thoughts with you
I know there are a few followers left
who will love seeing transformations
and isn't the garden just that
I try to be whimsical about my posting
letting you in on my feelings about the garden
last year I just couldn't conjure them up
If you don't go in to the salve for the weary
but that's okay.....I was busy being the salve somewhere else
But I ache for the flower petals, the dragonflies
and the occasional stray oddity that has been known to grace my garden
just look back in my blog
I do have two resident feral cats now that have taken up on my deck
I have their 3 kittens inside...almost 15 months old now
My husband is well and the grandkids are doing fine
Little Tuula is doing the best she ever has
fingers crossed
I am going to keep it simple this year
no going crazy on planters
Iwill feel like a success if I can keep up with weeding and pruning
oh I am dreaming of a warm summer day...being in the shade of the pines
listening and feeling the breeze against my face
oh to feel alive like that again
so simple


  1. You stopping by my blog made me take a moment and stop by yours ... glad I did.

  2. Hi Suz, I'm so glad you're back! You're poem made me yearn for warm weather and flowers.....pretty soon in the over all scheme of things. I considered giving up the blog for FB postings but, I love the community. Wishing you gardening balm for the soul! Sally

  3. oh thanks Sally....facebook is not the same as blogging to me
    and the community is wonderful....such nice people to connect with in a special way....and especially garden folk
    Don't you love the seasons?
    think spring

  4. Hello there! So glad you'll getting back into the swing of things:) I know how it goes. Really nice to hear from you and know that everyone is doing well.

  5. For every morning I give thanks for it

  6. Hi Suz! I was just going through my blog list and thought I'd stop by -- Can you believe that it's Memorial Day weekend? At the start of summer and winter a memory, I hope this finds you doing well!


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