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Network of one-stop shops for home improvement would not cost government a penny to end tragedy of poor-quality homes

New research from Ageing Better and partners identifies a cost-effective solution that could change the lives of up to one million people a year.

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Action today for all our tomorrows

The Centre for Ageing Better is tackling inequalities in ageing. We are working to make our workplaces, homes and communities inclusive of older people, as well as building an Age-friendly Movement so that society sees ageing in a more positive and realistic way.

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The State of Ageing is the most detailed and up-to-date report about ageing in England. Hover over the different chapter sections and central logo to find out more.
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This handbook outlines the key features of age-friendly communities in the UK, and gives examples of practices and policies that can be implemented at a local level.
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Our Age Without Limits anti-ageism campaign enters its second year and is calling on everybody to notice, challenge and change the country’s negative attitudes towards ageing and older people.
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Grace French, Director and Head of Culture, Stand talks about why they signed the Age-friendly Employer Pledge.
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New data from Ageing Better reveals the scale of the country’s poor quality housing crisis and the widespread impact it is having on the nation’s health.
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Sign up to the Age-friendly Employer Pledge and show you recognise the value of older workers
Preview Age-positive images

Photos in the image library, which depict older people in non-stereotypical ways, are available to download for free.

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We discussed whether the Budget really will deliver more employment for people in their 50s and 60s.
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What is an Age-friendly Community? Learn about the WHO Age-friendly Communities framework and what can be achieved through becoming one.
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This webinar explained how you can capture photos that show the diversity of older people in realistic and authentic ways.

Stories and Case Studies

Phoenix Group – recruitment, retention, retraining

Mary Bright is Head of Social Affairs and Age Special Adviser at Phoenix Group, which has signed the Age-friendly Employer Pledge.

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Making friends, helping people

Jane Nelson, Chief Executive Officer and an organisational champion for diversity and inclusion, explains how this has helped it to reinforce its position as an age-friendly employer.

Preview Older women socialising

Sheila’s story – making a home accessible for independent living

She moved to her current bungalow in 1996 when she could no longer manage the stairs in her previous home and continued working as a teacher until 2010 when she took early retirement. Now 68, Sheila tells us about her experiences making her home fully accessible to support her goal of living independently. 

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Latest research from others

Institute for Fiscal Studies
This report examines factors that contribute to ethnic disparities in private pension participation rates in the UK.
Hald, A. N. et al., Aging & Mental Health
This study explores the impact of sensory impairments on well-being, depression and relationship satisfaction among older adults, with a focus on gender differences.
World Health Organization
This guidance outlines an integrated care tool focused on healthy aging.

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