After speaking to the project team and the Executive Dean Dr Chris Meredith, and using research and insight provided by existing and previous HE students, the importance of the support and flexibility the college offered to its students stood out as the main message.
Many of its students are coming back into education after some time away bringing up families, caring for relatives or initially thinking HE wasn’t for them.
The pastoral care at WSC is rated very highly and is a real priority for the all the team, so we wanted to create a brand narrative both visually and through language that would reflect this.
So US was born, a celebration of faculty and student togetherness that exists to help students attain heights they may once have thought impossible.
USWSC is still in its infancy and we’re all really excited to be custodians of their brand and be in a position to deliver on its beliefs and drive to help the people of Suffolk achieve their goals.