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WE L119A1 (GBBr)

WE L119A1 (GBBr)


0 Questions


Looking to sell or trade my L119A1 in order to get an AEG for winter gameplay. It’s a reluctant trade but I can only afford one gun currently.


the pictured rifle is not finished - still to come is:

- custom engraved L119A1 lower receiver

- rubber but pad

- KAC style vertical grip and rail panels


these items are ordered and in the post. Photos will be updated when able.


this gun comes with 4x WE CO2 mags (one leaks slightly but is practically new) and 1x green gas PMAG.

acog is not the version paired with the British L119A1 (crosshairs type) it is the working fiber red chevron - I prefer the reticle, it’s cool. This can be included for a little extra if desired. 

it’s a used Rifle showing wear and tear but works beautifully. The FPS suits a semi only mod and a dmr role as it was set up for garden drills at 400fps

For trades I’d Only be interested in:

WE L85A2 with DD Rail. (We can keep own mags)


sale price for this rif with all MAGs £400 (450 with acog)

pickup/meet London/Bath/Bristol as I travel. 


  • Make
  • Model
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    5x mags, ACOG

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