Apollo 50th Anniversary Mission PDF eBooks | Apollo 6-17 Complete Set
Apollo 6 | Apollo 7 | Apollo 8 | Apollo 9 | Apollo 10 | Apollo 11 | Apollo 12 | Apollo 13 | Apollo 14 | Apollo 15 | Apollo 16 | Apollo 17
"I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth." - President John F. Kennedy, May 25, 1961
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The Apollo 8 Command Module is on display at the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry, along with a collection of personal items from the flight donated by Lovell and the space suit worn by Frank Borman.
Apollo 8 Mission
Apollo 8 was launched on December 21, 1968 and became the first manned spacecraft to leave low Earth orbit, reach the Moon, orbit it, and safely return. The three-astronaut crew – Frank Borman, James Lovell, and William Anders – became the first humans to travel beyond low Earth orbit, see Earth as a whole planet, and enter the gravity well of another celestial body. They were also the first humans to orbit another celestial body, see the far side of the Moon, witness an Earthrise, escape the gravity of another celestial body (the Moon), and reenter Earth’s gravitational well. Apollo 8 was the third flight of the Saturn V rocket, and its first crewed launch, and was the first human spaceflight from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
Originally planned as a second crewed Lunar Module/Command Module test, to be flown in a higher, elliptical medium Earth orbit in early 1969, the mission profile was changed in August 1968 to a more ambitious Command Module-only lunar orbital flight to be flown in December, because the Lunar Module was not yet ready to make its first flight. This led to the swapping of Borman’s crew with Jim McDivitt’s crew, who were planned to fly the first Lunar Module flight in low Earth orbit, which became the Apollo 9 mission. This left Borman’s crew with two to three months less training and preparation time than originally planned, and replaced the need for Lunar Module training with translunar navigation training.
Apollo 8 took 68 hours (2.8 days) to travel the distance to the Moon. It orbited ten times over the course of 20 hours. The Apollo 8 astronauts returned to Earth on December 27, 1968, when their spacecraft splashed down in the Northern Pacific Ocean. The crew members were named Time magazine’s “Men of the Year” for 1968 upon their return.
PDF Contents
- 3 Day Report
- Chris Kraft Remembering
- Computing Navigation Covariance Matrices
- Emergency Detection System Upper Stage
- Final Flight Evaluation Report
- Flight Plan
- Flight Plan Vol.1
- Flight Plan Vol.2
- GNC System Performance Analysis
- Lunar Colorimetry
- Lunar Gravity Fields Determined
- Lunar Landmark Locations
- Lunar Mascon Evidence from Apollo Orbits
- Lunar Photographs Apollo 8, 10, 11
- Man Around The Moon
- Martin Technical Debriefing
- Medical Aspects
- Mission Operations Report Postlaunch
- Mission Operations Report Prelaunch
- Mission Operations Report Supplement
- Mission Report
- Mission Rules
- News Briefing
- Nuclear Emulsion Recordings of Heavy Primaries
- Onboard Voice Transcription
- Operational Abort Plan
- PAO Mission Commentary
- Photography & Visual Observations
- Photography TV Operations Plan
- Postflight Trajectory
- Press Kit
- RCA Camera
- Saturn V Flight Evaluation Report
- Saturn V Flight Manual SA-503
- SIVB Stage Flight Test Plan
- SPS Final Flight Evaluation
- SPS Performance Prediction Vol2
- Structural Element Review
- Technical Air-to-Ground Voice Transcription
- Trajectory Reconstruction Postflight Analysis
Apollo 8 Mission Videos & Highlights
Apollo 8 Full Mission by LunarModule5
Apollo 8 CBS News Coverage
Apollo 8 Mission Highlights
The Flight of Apollo 8
Apollo 8: The Thrilling Story of the First Mission to the Moon
‘Rocket Men’ Book Launch with the Apollo 8 Crew – William Anders, James Lovell, and Frank Borman
NASA Apollo 8 Crew Training
An Evening with the Apollo 8 Astronauts at National Air & Space Museum
Apollo 8 – First Television Broadcast Half-Way To The Moon
EARTHRISE: The First Lunar Voyage
Apollo 8 – 40th Anniversary
ROCKET MEN book launch w/crew of Apollo 8 – Chicago, April 2018
Bill Anders – Astronaut, General, Legend of Aviation
Apollo 8 Astronaut Colonel Frank Borman flies the P-63 Kingcobra
Smithsonian “Flight Jacket Night” Lecture with Jim Lovell
Apollo 50th Anniversary Mission PDF eBooks | Apollo 6-17 Complete Set
Apollo 6 | Apollo 7 | Apollo 8 | Apollo 9 | Apollo 10 | Apollo 11 | Apollo 12 | Apollo 13 | Apollo 14 | Apollo 15 | Apollo 16 | Apollo 17