About Alexandre Desroches
TLDR; I am a passionate guy and I enjoy coding, movies, video games, music, music production, theology and philosophy. You know, about anything that awakens my creative mind and satisfies my imagination.
I am 33 years old, living in Canada in the province of Quebec, with my beloved wife Cathy and our new born son Samuel!
Since my childhood, I love what is technological, creative and demands reflection. To quote a funny example... being very young - I received my first electronic piano for Christmas and I played until the batteries were empty! This anecdote further demonstrates my personality today. When I discover something that I enjoy - like music or programming - I'm fully invested in that.
I'm a persevering, passionate and excellence-oriented worker. I don't like failing and do my best to succeed. When I do fail, I take it hardly, but this is the drive that keeps me wanting more. What I hate the most is giving up. To me, real failure is giving up when you are so close to success. This is why I constantly strive to progress rather than resigning myself to defeat.
For everything I do, I give my best and I find solutions to improve my working environment. With me, you can expect professionalism, excellence and trust. I always give the best of myself no matter the responsibility - big or small.
This is who I am in a nutshell!
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