CEVUK: They explored the hill country as far as Bunch Valley
AYT: Kemudian, mereka berangkat menuju daerah pegunungan dan mendatangi Lembah Eskol dan menyelidikinya.
TB: Mereka pergi dan berjalan ke arah pegunungan, lalu sampai ke lembah Eskol, kemudian menyelidiki negeri itu.
TL: maka orang-orang itupun berjalanlah, lalu naik ke pegunungan, kemudian sampai ke lembah Esykol, sambil diintainya negeri itu.
MILT: Lalu mereka berbelok dan naik ke arah pegunungan, kemudian sampai di lembah Eskol, lalu mengintainya.
Shellabear 2010: Mereka pergi, naik ke pegunungan, lalu sampai di Lembah Eskol dan mulai menyelidiki negeri itu.
KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Mereka pergi, naik ke pegunungan, lalu sampai di Lembah Eskol dan mulai menyelidiki negeri itu.
KSKK: yang berangkat dan mendaki pegunungan dengan berjalan kaki sampai mereka tiba di Lembah Pohon-pohon Anggur.
VMD: Kemudian mereka berangkat menuju daerah pebukitan dan mendatangi Lembah Eskol dan menyelidikinya.
TSI: Mereka pergi ke sana melalui daerah perbukitan itu sampai tiba di Lembah Eskol, dan mereka menjelajahi daerah itu.
BIS: Mereka memasuki daerah pegunungan itu sejauh Lembah Eskol, lalu menjelajahinya.
TMV: Mereka pergi ke kawasan perbukitan sampai ke Lembah Eskol, lalu menjelajahi tempat itu.
FAYH: Mereka menerobos bukit-bukit dan sampai di Lembah Eskol. Pada waktu kembali, mereka membawa buah-buahan negeri itu. Maka tahulah kita bahwa tanah yang telah diberikan TUHAN kepada kita adalah tanah yang sungguh baik."
ENDE: Mereka bertolak dan naik kepegunungan, dan setelah sampai kelembah Esjkol merekapun mendjeladjahinja.
Shellabear 1912: maka berbaliklah sekaliannya lalu naik gunung itu maka sampailah ia ke lembah Eskol serta diintainya
Leydekker Draft: Bagitu djuga marika 'itu palinglah dirinja, dan mudikhlah kagunong-gunongan, dan datanglah sampej kapada pahakh 'Esjkawl, dan menjululah dija 'itu.
AVB: Mereka pergi, naik ke pergunungan, lalu sampai di Lembah Eskol dan mulai menyelidiki negeri itu.
AYT ITL: Kemudian, mereka berangkat <05927> menuju daerah pegunungan <02022> dan mendatangi <0935> Lembah <05158> Eskol <0812> dan menyelidikinya <07270>. [<06437> <05704> <0853>]
TB ITL: Mereka pergi <05927> dan berjalan ke arah <06437> pegunungan <02022>, lalu sampai <0935> ke <05704> lembah <05158> Eskol <0812>, kemudian menyelidiki <07270> negeri itu.
TL ITL: maka orang-orang itupun berjalanlah <06437>, lalu naik <05927> ke pegunungan <02022>, kemudian sampai <0935> ke <05704> lembah <05158> Esykol <0812>, sambil diintainya <07270> negeri itu.
AVB ITL: Mereka pergi, naik <05927> ke pergunungan <02022>, lalu sampai <0935> di <05704> Lembah <05158> Eskol <0812> dan mulai menyelidiki <07270> negeri itu. [<06437> <0853>]
HEBREW: <0853> hta <07270> wlgryw <0812> lksa <05158> lxn <05704> de <0935> wabyw <02022> hrhh <05927> wleyw <06437> wnpyw (1:24)
Jawa: Iku banjur padha mangkat munggah menyang pagunungan, nganti tekan ing lebak Eskol, sarta padha niti-priksa nagara iku.
Jawa 1994: Wong-wong mau nusup mlebu ing daérah pegunungan nganti tekan Lebak Éskol, banjur nliti daérah kono.
Sunda: Bral maranehna arindit ka pagunungan nepi ka Lebak Eskol, nalengteng.
Madura: Reng-oreng jareya maso’ ka dhaera pagunongan jareya sampe’ napa’ ka Cora Eskol, pas nalektegi nagara jareya epabalattra.
Bali: Anake makaroras punika raris kesah tur mamargi ngungsi pagunungan, raris rauh ring Lebak Eskol, tumuli nyelehin jagate punika.
Bugis: Nauttamakiwi mennang iyaro daéra buluna sibbéla Lompo Eskol, nainappa najalajja.
Makasar: Antama’mi ke’nanga ri anjo daera monconga sa’genna Ka’bung Eskol bellana, nampa a’la’ba’ ke’nanga anjappai.
Toraja: Ke’de’mi tu tau iato, natuka’ langngan ma’buntunna, narampo rokko lombok Eskol, anna paressai.
Karo: Lawes kalak enda ku deleng-deleng e, seh pe ku berneh-berneh Eskol, emaka iselidikina.
Simalungun: Dob ai bingkat ma sidea tangkog hu dolog, anjaha das ma sidea hu habungan Eskol, lanjar ikahapi ma ai.
Toba: Dung i borhat ma nasida nangkok tu dolok, jala sahat nasida muse tu rura Eskol, laos dihahapi ma i.
NETBible: They left and went up to the hill country, coming to the Eshcol Valley, which they scouted out.
NASB: "They turned and went up into the hill country, and came to the valley of Eshcol and spied it out.
HCSB: They left and went up into the hill country and came to the Valley of Eshcol, scouting the land.
LEB: They left and went into the mountains. When they came to the Eshcol Valley, they explored it.
NIV: They left and went up into the hill country, and came to the Valley of Eshcol and explored it.
ESV: And they turned and went up into the hill country, and came to the Valley of Eshcol and spied it out.
NRSV: They set out and went up into the hill country, and when they reached the Valley of Eshcol they spied it out
REB: They set out and made their way up into the hill-country which they reconnoitred as far as the wadi of Eshcol.
NKJV: "And they departed and went up into the mountains, and came to the Valley of Eshcol, and spied it out.
KJV: And they turned and went up into the mountain, and came unto the valley of Eshcol, and searched it out.
AMP: And they turned and went up into the hill country, and came to the Valley of Eshcol and spied it out.
NLT: They crossed into the hills and came to the valley of Eshcol and explored it.
GNB: They went into the hill country as far as Eshcol Valley and explored it.
ERV: Then they left and went up to the hill country. They came to the Valley of Eshcol and explored it.
BBE: And they went up into the hill-country and came to the valley of Eshcol, and saw what was there.
MSG: They set out, climbing through the hills. They came to the Eshcol Valley and looked it over.
CEV: They explored the hill country as far as Bunch Valley
GWV: They left and went into the mountains. When they came to the Eshcol Valley, they explored it.
KJV: And they turned <06437> (8799) and went up <05927> (8799) into the mountain <02022>_, and came <0935> (8799) unto the valley <05158> of Eshcol <0812>_, and searched it out <07270> (8762)_.
NASB: "They turned<6437> and went<5927> up into the hill<2022> country<2022>, and came<935> to the valley<5158> of Eshcol<812> and spied<7270> it out.
NET [draft] ITL: They left <06437> and went up <05927> to the hill country <02022>, coming <0935> to <05704> the Eshcol <0812> Valley <05158>, which they scouted out <07270>.