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hos <3739>

ov hos including feminine h he

Pelafalan: hos hay, and neuter \~o\~ ho ho

Asal Mula: probably a primary word (or perhaps a form of the article 3588)

Referensi: -

Jenis: pron (pronoun)

Dalam Yunani: a 117, ai 5, aiv 14, av 2, h 40, hn 97, hv 49, o 246, oi 32, oiv 46, on 164, ou 109, ouv 52, ov 217, w 118, wn 80, [hn 1, [h] 1, [on] 1, [ou] 3, [ov] 1, [w] 1

Dalam NET: that 154, whom 134, what 111, who 106, which 84, whoever 20, whose 20, one 12, him 11, things 8, Whoever 8, What 8, where 7, to whom 7, them 5, whatever 5, To him 4, this 4, anyone 4, someone 3, whomever 3, these things 3, man 3, for whom 3, They 2, in whom 2, Whatever 2, called 2, of what 2, person 2, on whom 2, to another 2, those 2, when 2, to anyone 1, any circumstance 1, and 1, about whom 1, anyone who 1, ark 1, everyone 1, faith 1, connection with that 1, at which 1, was 1, are in this group 1, what is 1, So 1, Son 1, He 1, For 1, Among these 1, Their 1, why 1, To them 1, To this fact 1, To one 1, who had 1, This was the disciple who 1, those who 1, he was 1, one whom 1, or 1, one who 1, this goal 1, with the one 1, others 1, this day 1, that tribe 1, these false teachers 1, these letters 1, they 1, practices 1, of whom 1, this gospel 1, in which 1, including 1, idols 1, his faith 1, those to whom 1, it was 1, lawless one 1, of them 1, of those 1, not 1, native 1, this way 1, these 1

Dalam AV: which 418, whom 270, that 139, who 87, whose 52, what 40, that which 20, whereof 17, misc 346

Jumlah: 1389


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