Russian boy ripped apart by savage dogs after mother got drunk on vodka with friend
A young boy in Russia was ripped apart by savage dogs after a mother got drunk on vodka with a friend of hers.
According to reports, the boy died in a vicious dog attack after the mother let him to go alone and decided to go on a drink with a friend.
The mother of the boy has been arrested.
The police said that the mother, who was not named, visited her friend, who has a dog kennels in the town of Ivanteevka, which is located in Moscow Oblast Region.
The boy has been identified as Maxim, but the mother’s name was kept hidden.
A statement that was released by the ICRF (Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation) on the Moscow region said that the mother and the owner of the kennel left the kid to feed the dogs.
A couple of days later, Maxim was set upon once again and when he opened the door to one of the kennels, a pack of dogs attacked him.
The police said that Alabai, a massive breed also known as the Central Asian Shepherd Dog, and German Shepherds attacked the boy.
He was left with sickening injuries.
The boy had his face torn off and one of his hands.
The mother was so drunk at the time that she had no idea what had happened to her son after the horrifying attack.
Vodka bottles were also strewn over the floor of the house.
The relationship of the woman and the man that she was drinking with was not made public by the police.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of the boy, may his soul rest in peace.