When it comes to being the greatest version of yourself, is it cardio or strength training that will help you get there? Many athletes swear that strength training is where it‘s at, but does that mean you should ditch cardio altogether? Whether you want to get buff, drop a few pounds, or run your fastest kilometer ever, we‘ve outlined which discipline you should devote your sweat to.

Benefits of Cardio Exercise

When you realize just how much cardio exercise can do for you, you may want to do some right now. There are very few activities you can do for a short period of time that have this many benefits. Some of the known benefits are:

  • It helps you burn fats and calories for weight loss.
  • It makes your heart strong so that it doesn't have to work as hard to pump blood.
  • It increases your lung capacity.
  • It helps reduce your risk of heart attack, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and some forms of cancer.
  • It makes you feel good, and can even provide temporary relief from depression and anxiety.
  • It helps you sleep better.
  • It helps reduce stress.
  • It gives you more confidence in how you look and feel.
  • Weight-bearing cardio exercise helps increase your bone density.
  • It allows you to set a good example for your family.
Don't feel like you have to have a lot of time and energy for cardio. Doing a little each day is better than doing nothing at all. With all the benefits laid out for you, it's time for the next step which covers exactly how to choose your cardio exercise.

What If You’re Only Doing Cardio?

Doing cardio in moderation, for example, one hour 3 times a week, or 30 mins a day, will certainly yield some benefits. These include:

  • Fat Loss
  • Strengthened Heart and Lungs
  • Improved Stamina
  • Improved Circulation
  • Countless Others

Cardio should only be part of the picture when it comes to your exercise plan. If you only ever do cardio you will experiencesome disadvantages compared to someone who also lifts weights. These include:

  • Decreased Lean Mass
  • More Sluggish Metabolism
  • Diminished Fat Loss
  • Stress Response
  • Boredom

Benefits of Strength Workout

Men and women of all ages can benefit from strength training, but get a doctor’s OK before beginning, especially if you haven’t exercised in a while.

Two or three 20- or 30-minute strength training sessions every week can result in significant health benefits:

  1. Increased muscle mass: Muscle mass naturally decreases with age, but strength training can help reverse the trend.
  2. Stronger bones: Strength training increases bone density and reduces the risk of fractures.
  3. Joint flexibility: Strength training helps joints stay flexible and can reduce the symptoms of arthritis.
  4. Weight control: As you gain muscle, your body begins to burn calories more easily, making it easier to control your weight.
  5. Balance: Strengthening exercises can increase flexibility and balance as people age, reducing falls and injuries.

Disadvantages Of Strength Workout

Strength training can be dangerous

At the moment when the person is not experienced enough, he can easily get injured. It is worth to do exercises that we know the technique, or ask more experienced people for advice. Do not forget about warming up and choosing the right load. For larger weights, it is worth asking for a belaying

Strength training is also a huge effort for the body

Let us not forget that we should measure our strength. Without proper preparation in the initial period, the wrong solution will be choosing an advanced training plan consisting of many series of combined, short breaks and many exercises in one training session. More does not mean better, it is sometimes worth spending extra free time for regeneration.

Badly programmed strength training will deepen our structural problems

Remember to base your training plan on multi-joint, global exercises. The lack of balance in antagonists (biceps / triceps, two-headed / quadrate) can lead to postural defects and serious structural balance problems.

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