detail of the Ishtar Gate, Babylon 575 B.C.
Plaque with a Nude Female Between Two Bearded Men in Kilts in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Title: Plaque with a nude female between two bearded males wearing kilts
Period: Old Babylonian
Date: 2000-1600 BC
Geography: Mesopotamia
Medium: Bronze
Dimensions: 3 7/8 x 3 7/8 in. (9.7 x 9.7 cm)
Classification: Metalwork-Relief
Credit Line: Purchase, Friends of Inanna Gifts, 1998
Accession Number: 1998.31
On View
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A pictographic list of titles & professions in ancient Sumeria (top) with the scribe’s signature on the reverse side (bottom)

On either June 10th or June 11th, 323 BC, Alexander the Great died in Babylon at the age of 32.

A Babylon’s style statue, keeping the entrance. #babylon #wood #sculpture (Publicado com Instagram, no Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro)
Détail de la Stèle de victoire du roi Naram-Sin d’Akkad, musée du Louvre. Le souverain domine la scène et porte une tiare à cornes, attribut divin - Detail of the victory stele of King Naram-Sin of Akkad, the Louvre Museum. The sovereign dominates the stage door and a horned tiara, divine attribute