You probably wish your babies were this cute
A baby
kangaroo, or ‘joey’, is born at a very immature stage, after spending just
one month in the womb and, that's right, they are only about 2 cm long and weighs less than
a gram (easiest birth ever!). Immediately after birth it crawls up the mother’s
abdomen and enters the pouch. The baby attaches its mouth to one of four teats (nipples),
which then enlarges to hold the young animal in place. Newborns are so insignificantly
small that they don’t even have the ability to suck. And we thought human
babies were useless? Muscular action from the nipple therefore squirts
milk into the baby's mouth.
Wipe off that disgusted look off your face, this is science
several weeks, the joey becomes more active and gradually spends more time outside the pouch, which it leaves completely after 7 or 10 months. Right
about this, another joey can be born immediately- talk about efficiency. This
causes two types of milks to be produced, one for the active joey, and one for
the developing baby inside the pouch. As if this wasn’t fascinating enough, Kangaroos
also have a reproductive adaptation that can actually delay implantation. This
means that the fertilized egg will cease to develop and just wait until the mother feels ready.
And you thought plastic surgery will change the way you look.
Check out more pictures here
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