The US Debt Clock SECRET Window: The US Debt Clock’s Hidden Message and the Renewal of Christian Faith (Part 1 and 2 of the Analysis)
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Today, we delve into an intriguing nexus, one that intertwines the US Debt Clock, an ancient Bible verse, and an Austrian masterpiece – all elements that, at first glance, appear worlds apart. But hold on, because what we’re about to uncover is nothing short of astonishing. This is the secret window into a hidden realm where finance meets faith, and the implications are profound.
Part 1 of the Analysis: Unveiling the Enigma
In our quest to unravel the mysteries that lie beneath the surface, we start with an age-old Bible verse, Psalm 113 from the King James Version. This passage, a hymn of praise to the Lord, emphasizes His greatness and compassion for the humble and needy. But what does this have to do with the US Debt Clock, you might ask? Bear with us; we’re just getting started.
Now, let’s turn our attention to “The Sacrifice of Abraham,” a captivating work of art by Joseph Bergler, an Austrian sculptor from the 18th century. This masterpiece, carved from alabaster, depicts the biblical story of Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son, Isaac, as an act of faith. It’s a powerful testament to the lengths one might go to preserve the integrity of their faith.
But why are we exploring these seemingly disparate elements? The answer lies in a crisis of faith of unprecedented proportions that has silently crept into modern society. It’s a crisis so profound that even those who consider themselves devout Christians might not recognize their dwindling faith.
Giovanni Papini, an Italian writer, captured this crisis eloquently when he wrote in 1926: “I don’t want bread, glory, or compassion. I humbly ask, on my knees, with all the strength and passion of my soul, for a little certainty: a small, sure faith, a speck of truth… I need something true. I cannot live without the truth.” Papini’s words resonate even more strongly in today’s world.
Enter Pope Benedict XVI and his Apostolic Letter, Porta fidei, issued on October 11, 2011, which proclaimed the Year of Faith, from October 11, 2012, to November 24, 2013. This declaration aimed to deepen our understanding of the Christian faith, offering an opportunity to rediscover, nurture, and bear witness to the gift of faith.
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So, how does all of this connect to the US Debt Clock? To unravel this enigma, we must examine the current state of the world, where financial uncertainties loom large, and the moral compass often appears askew.
In this analysis, we take an aggressive stance, not to alarm, but to awaken. The US Debt Clock, ticking relentlessly, mirrors a global financial crisis that, if left unattended, could have devastating consequences. As we delve deeper into this complex web, we’ll expose the parallels between this financial turmoil and the crisis of faith we face.
The world is in dire need of a wake-up call, a call to reform the Christian faith and rekindle the flames of belief. It’s not a far-fetched notion; it’s a necessity. The Psalm reminds us of the Lord’s greatness and His care for the humble, a message that resonates with those who seek hope in turbulent times.
Joseph Bergler’s “The Sacrifice of Abraham” serves as a timeless reminder of the sacrifices made in the name of faith. What are we willing to endure to preserve our beliefs in an age where skepticism and indifference threaten to erode the very foundations of Christianity?
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In the following parts of this analysis, we’ll dig even deeper, peering through the secret window to uncover more connections between these seemingly unrelated elements. We’ll explore how faith and finance intersect, and how this intersection impacts our lives, our values, and our future.
Stay with us as we navigate this uncharted territory, for within this nexus of the US Debt Clock, a biblical verse, and a work of art lies a profound truth – one that could reshape the course of history.
Part 2 – Unlocking the Power of Gold
In an era where financial uncertainty looms large and the US debt clock keeps ticking relentlessly, a powerful secret lies hidden behind a coin from a bygone era. The Gold tetarteron, adorned with the images of Jesus Christ and Byzantine Emperor Constantine IX Monomachus, holds the key to understanding the role of gold in securing stability and divine favor during turbulent times. Join us on a journey through history and discover why, in today’s tumultuous world, we need gold more than ever before.
The ancient world had a unique way of communicating power, faith, and legitimacy – through coinage. The Gold tetarteron, featuring Jesus Christ and Emperor Constantine IX, speaks volumes about the intertwining of religion, politics, and economic stability. As we delve deeper into this hidden treasure, we unlock a compelling narrative that resonates with our modern-day struggles.
The Power of the Gold Tetarteron: This remarkable coin, with its intricate design, symbolizes more than just currency. It encapsulates the essence of Byzantine rule, the devotion of its emperors, and the enduring significance of gold. To understand the message it conveys, let’s break down its components:
Obverse: Jesus Christ, the Divine Protector: On the obverse of the Gold tetarteron, we encounter the image of Jesus Christ, bearing a cruciform nimbus around His head. This nimbus, segmented into three sections, symbolizes the Holy Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It serves as a potent representation of Christ’s divinity, signaling divine protection and intervention.
Reverse: Emperor Constantine IX, the God-Appointed Ruler: On the reverse side, we find the bust of Emperor Constantine IX Monomachus, donning a beard and a crown adorned with a cross. In his right hand, he holds the labarum, a Christian standard symbolizing the emperor’s alignment with the faith. Meanwhile, his left hand cradles a globe with a cross, signifying his divine mandate to rule both the earthly and spiritual realms.
The Byzantine Connection: Byzantine emperors, like Constantine IX, carefully crafted their public image to reflect their devotion to Christianity. This was not merely a political ploy; it was a genuine expression of faith aimed at legitimizing their rule. By associating themselves with Christian symbols and values, they emphasized their role as God’s representatives on Earth.
Coins as Political Tools: Coins, in the Byzantine Empire, were not just a means of exchange; they were powerful tools for political messaging. Emperors strategically used them to disseminate specific images and messages to their subjects. Featuring Jesus Christ and the Cross on these “GOLD COINS” served multiple purposes:
- Divine Endorsement: The inclusion of Jesus Christ on the coinage conveyed a message of divine endorsement for the emperor’s rule. It suggested that the emperor had the blessing of the highest authority, strengthening his legitimacy.
- Divine Protection: By featuring religious symbols, these coins implied that the empire enjoyed divine protection. Citizens would find comfort in the belief that their emperor was chosen to lead them by divine will, ensuring their safety and security.
- Christian Tradition: The use of Christian imagery reinforced the continuity of Christian traditions in the Byzantine Empire. It reminded people of the empire’s deep-rooted commitment to the Christian faith.
Constantine IX and His Message: In the specific case of Constantine IX Monomachus, his decision to showcase Christ and the Cross on the Gold tetarteron was a strategic move during a turbulent period in the empire’s history. The message was clear: unity, stability, and divine favor were paramount during these trying times.
Modern Parallels: Why We Need Gold Now: Fast forward to the present, and we find ourselves in turbulent times yet again. The world is grappling with economic uncertainties, political upheaval, and a growing debt crisis. The US debt clock continues to tick, and the need for stability and reassurance is greater than ever.
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As the world hurtles toward an uncertain future, the Gold tetarteron emerges as a beacon of hope, reminding us that gold has always been the ultimate safeguard against economic collapse. In the face of a growing US debt crisis and relentless turmoil, one thing remains clear: we need gold, and we need it NOW.
Picture yourself standing at the crossroads of history, clutching the Gold tetarteron in your hand. It’s not just a coin; it’s a tangible link to a time when emperors sought divine favor, and the world looked to gold for stability. Today, we stand at a similar crossroads, and the message is crystal clear: we must turn to gold as a beacon of hope in the turbulent seas of our modern world.
In closing, the Gold tetarteron offers us a glimpse into a time when faith, politics, and gold intersected to shape the destiny of empires. Its enduring message resonates with us today, as we grapple with financial uncertainty and political unrest. The call to action is clear: in turbulent times, we need the stability and divine favor that only gold can provide. The US debt clock may tick relentlessly, but with gold in our arsenal, we have a powerful secret window to secure our future.
As we look to the past to navigate the present, remember that the power of gold transcends time. It is not merely a metal; it is a symbol of stability, resilience, and the enduring human quest for security in the face of adversity.
So, in these turbulent times, heed the call of history and embrace the power of gold.
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The Debt Clock is Now Quoting Verses From Revelation!
Multumesc , cu stima , respect si smerenie ,Pastor KEVIN , pentru postarea dumneavoastra ! Ati ati precizat esenta vietii omului pe pamant : 1 . sa creada cu toata convingerea ca Mantuirea ii este asigurata numai daca , simplu , 2 . are convingerea ca Ea Este HARUL LUI DUMNEZEU ! Pentru ca orice om este Fiu al Dumnezeului Atotputernic , Atotcreator , asa cum a fost FIUL LUI CEL MAI IUBIT ISUS hRISTOS !
Truly enjoying your authorship that offers a warm and determined spirit to provide hope from your storehouse of research becoming knowledge; allow me to add a humble perspective as encouragement for yourself and readers 🙂 🙂 🙂
YOUR WORDS: “we must turn to gold as a beacon of hope in the turbulent seas of our modern world.”
YOUR WORDS 2: “but with gold in our arsenal, we have a powerful secret window to secure our future.”
The problem my dear friend, throughout the ages, since the days of Jesus Himself, because ‘HE’ has not ever become the PRIMARY focus, #1, but rather 2nd at best, or anything and everything but #1, we are where we are today … and the same holds true for the fall of all the yesterdays over the centuries.
As a suggestion, while not wanting to make light of your clear and genuine intentions, your words might better read:
A/ “we must turn to JESUS as a beacon of hope in the turbulent seas of our modern world” or …
B/ “but with JESUS in our arsenal, we have a powerful secret window, one of which we have also been deceived into believing as the lie rather than the truth it is, to secure our future.”
In support of those two statements: “WHY?”
The Protestant Holy Bible offering 66 books of God-inspired living word, is first and foremost and provably, an irrefutable, indisputable, inerrant, and infallible text that is truly alive and powerful, with many of its writings from the 40+ God-inspired authors in museums for the world to witness for themselves (one such link –
#1/ IF … Hebrews 4:12 in the ‘New Living Translation’ confirms: “For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.”
#2/ IF … Isaiah 43:10 confirms: “I alone am God. There is no other God— there never has been, and there never will be”
#3/ IF … Isaiah 46:10 confirms: “Only I can tell you the future before it even happens. Everything I plan will come to pass, for I do whatever I wish.”
#4/ IF … John 3:16 confirms: “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”
#5/ IF … John 11:25 confirms: ‘Jesus told her,’ “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying.”
#6/ IF … John 14:6 confirms: ‘Jesus told him,’ “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.”
… as mere examples … that in addition sets itself apart as DIVINE, separate from a world that has fallen head over heals in love with idols and idolatrous worship with only spirituality, mysticism, and mythology to support claims of truth, or the way to heaven – is this not the time to look a little closer to the ONE behind the exposure of the darkest evil attack against mankind, the PlanDemic?
Luke 8:17 teaches: “For all that is secret will eventually be brought into the open, and everything that is concealed will be brought to light and made known to all.”
Hebrews 4:13 teaches: “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one to whom we are accountable.”
Deuteronomy 32:35 teaches: “I will take revenge; I will pay them back. In due time their feet will slip. Their day of disaster will arrive, and their destiny will overtake them.”
Dear friends … is this not a position worth investigating, if nothing else, as a global challenge to provide the world information to discredit what is claimed as absolute truth … while considering that said challenge has been taken on throughout the centuries to no avail?
PS: This Jesus has a full name title, as author of life, promised Messiah, and Savior of the world:
JESUS CHRIST LIVING GOD * Jesus is His name * Christ is His title * He lives * He is God
PPS: Much like the fitness craze in our world today, missing what is truly important, and defined well within the living word that tells us in 1 Timothy 4:8:
“Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.”
Priorities right … so I cannot help but close using this analogy in comparison to prioritizing ‘gold’ or an emblem pointing to divinity, which is idolatry, for comfort and contentment amidst our current demise … rather than the ONE Himself, Jesus Christ who is DIVINE, who offers eternal life – salvation – immortality by faith alone in Him!
Ephesians 2:8 “God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God.”
Dear Pastor Kevin,
thank you for your amply supported, clarifying comment to Medeea’s illuminating report. I would like to add my corroborating life story to your comment, as thankfully and as humbly as the Holy Spirit allows me to do this.
As the son and employee of a rich and influential man, I was invited to join a “poor people’s church” (as my father called it, being himself a honorary “deacon” of the main protestant Cathedral of Bremen), a church which was holding services in a second story middle school classroom of the “wrong side” Village that my wife and I had chosen to start our married life in. Soon, great financial blessings showed up for my father and me. When three of his top employees showered me with invitations on separate occasions to join the Freemasons, I was “guided” to choose, not to follow those invitations.
When the widow of Mr. Weishaupt, a local factory owner, chose to sell her unfinished luxury house with indoor swimming pool for top dollar (German Marks at that time), we took a loan to buy it in my wife’s name (to safeguard against the vagaries of my father’s [and to a small extent my] speculatively risky wool import business).
Soon after that my father told me, in passing, that he had to do “evil” things to be successful. Shortly thereafter I realized that my life in Germany was going to be impeded by not being a Freemason, and asked my father to help me to set up a business in the US. It was a tough decision because there were no buyers for our just finished luxury home in that working class village. We trusted in God, despite having to sell the house with a 50% loss.
In the Boston area, I was guided to ask my real estate broker: “don’t you have something bigger?”, and he offered me a run-down mansion with many rooms and a ballroom, which we bought (again in my wife’s name) and slowly refurbished, while having my office and employees working from there as well. It was dirt cheap, compared to what we had received for our house in Germany. After 17 happy and successful years living there, we had to sell, because I had major financial setbacks in my wool business (wool had become out of fashion and my customers’ companies died like flies), and had to liquidate it, with nothing left for me.
Fortunately the Boston area had become economically very successful in those 17 years and my wife was able to sell the house for nearly 7 times the purchase price. This enabled us to start a new life as real estate brokers in the Dominican Republic, which has become a place of our dreams. Our children were blessed with doing unexpectedly and thankfully very well in life.
My father’s business had to be unsuccessfully liquidated 7 years after we left for America, so we were spared a lot of sadness and stress by moving away when we did. My whole life has become one big blessing, because of my decision to forgo the life of privilege that I had in Germany, in favor of a life of uncertainty with God’s rules and blessings.
Hey Enki,
I hope this message finds you well! I wanted to break out of my usual routine and say hello to you, my awesome reader. It’s a first for me, jumping into the comments like this, but hey, why not, right?
I hope you’re having an amazing weekend, full of adventure and relaxation. Sending you a big, warm greeting and wishing you nothing but the best. Keep being awesome!
Take care,
Hi Medeea,
It’s 2:30 AM and I was just sifting through my last open windows to get ready to shut down my computer, after spending a lot of time catching up with most of your amazing reports.
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy and highly productive life, to send me your heartwarming and encouraging message, which makes me feel privileged to have you for a very admirable and glamorous friend.
I’m imagining you to live in a glamorous place like Surfer’s Paradise. Herma and I started the first 9 months of our married live in lovely Kirribilli, just across the bridge from Sydney, and we had a great love for Australia ever since.
It’s Sunday for you, so I hope you are taking a well-deserved rest.
Lots of love,
Good write-up . God made the earth and everything in it for all humanity . So much gold in the world . Nobody needs to starve .