A place to express all your otaku thoughts about anime and manga
Anime Amino is currently in invite-only mode.
To join our community, share your favorite anime and a brief reason why you love it in the join request!
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Been banned? Take time to reflect on your actions before submitting an appeal through our form.
Note: Submitting an appeal does not guarantee unbanning.
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Anime Amino is a social and blogging platform made for anyone else like us who wants to talk about one of our favourite hobbies. We take pride in the fact our content varies and has diversity, meaning there is something for everyone. Whether you prefer anime, manga, cosplay, fanart, AMVs, or even fanfics and figure collecting, AA probably has what you're looking for.

The Featured Feed showcases a variety of some of the awesomest blogs that users have recently posted. The Public Chats are where you can meet some fellow anime fans. And with the help of catalog feature, it’s even easier to find any reviews or characters collections some of our hardworking members had submitted if you ever need a recommendation.

Don't be daunted by blogging by the way - we don't mind if you only want to come in and chat!! :)