Hello everyone CartoonLover5000 here and welcome to my
Top 10 Worst Live Action Movies Based On Cartoons

Today we're looking at cartoons that got a bad live action movie
And if you do like these movies that ok it's good that you can enjoy something I just can't
And with that said lets being
#10 The Smurfs

One day Sony pictures animation decide to make a live action movie that ripoff Alvin and chipmunks
That sounds like a really bad idea
The smurfs looks really really bad and it's really annoying
#9 Yogi Bear

I enjoy the yogi bear cartoon but GOD this movie is really bad it has a lot of bad jokes bad acting and more BUT I think the director did grew up with yogi bear
#8 Garfield The Movie

I would talk about this movie but it a lot like the smurfs so if you understand why the smurfs movie is bad then you know why this is bad
#7 Jems And The Holograms

Oh my god this movie only came out last year but this movie is really bad it's got bad acting and why did a teenager that got a million views on YouTube
#6 Alvin And The Chipmunks

I would talk about this movie but you know how the smurfs and Garfield the movie is bad so I will not talk about
#5 Inspector Gadget The Movie

First inspector gadget is annoying in this second is the inspector gadget theme song all over the place
And if you want to know my thoughts on the sequel IT ALSO SUCK
#4 Dragon Ball Evolution

As you see Hollywood is having a hard time making a good movie that is based on a America cartoon so how could they think that they can make a good movie that is based on a cartoon
It's like everyone that was making this movie never saw a episode of dragon ball
#3 The Cat In The Hat

Ok I know what your thinking of this does not count
There was a cat in the hat cartoon so yeah

Mike Myers is a really bad actor in this I enjoy some of the roles he did but this is his worse role just read the cat in the hat
book or watch the cartoon but don't watch this movie
#2 Avatar The Last Airbender

In 2010 nick made a live action movie based on one of there cartoons
It like m night never saw a episode of the cartoon he basing it on the acting is really bad are these real people or are they just robots
And the number one worst live action movie based on a cartoon is...

Ok I know what you are thinking this doesn't count
There a garbage pail kids cartoon

I think the garbage pail kids is what I think is the worst movie of all time that because the story is like if they connect some other story for some other movies and they but in the garbage pails kids the garbage pails kids look ugly and they are so unlikable
And that the garbage pails kids movie the number one worst live action movie based on a cartoon and the number one worst movie of all time
And evening if sometime we can get a good movie that is based on a cartoon most of the time they will be bad so if you see someone is making a live action movie that is based on a cartoon don't see it because if you don't see it it's will not make money and if it does not make money they will not make more
Do you think I miss a bad movie that based on a cartoon tell me in the comments
Hope you enjoy this

Comments (37)
I Like Alvin And The Chipmunks,Jem And The Holograms,The Garfield Movie And The Smurfs
Wow. A list like this didn't include Transformers for once. :P
Where's transfromers
*sees inspector gadget on the list*
(I actually LIKE the movie better than the animated versions, NOT the sequel or the Netflix original though)
Have you seen the bratz movie...it's god awful