Mecha Goku is a robotic duplicate of Goku, created by Bulma as a training partner for Vegeta to use, Mecha Gokus are Android Saiyans (basically a man made saiyan) as such they have access to not only Goku's moves but also the moves of Androids (specifically Android 16) the Mecha Gokus lack the ability to ascend higher than ssj but make up for it by fighting in groups (its unknown how many there are but there are definitely enough to satisfy Vegeta) these Mecha Goku are also adaptable so they don't become predictable and keep whoever is using them on their toes.
Base Form: a metallic silver Goku in a whis gi (power equal to base form Goku unless adjusted)
Super Mecha: this is the equivalent of ssj, the body turn gold and the hair spikes up like normal ssj Goku (power equal to ssj Goku unless adjusted)
Rocket Punch
Instant transmission
Self destruct
Ki sense
Hell's Flash
Comments (16)
I made a realistic version edit :P
Reply to: Kai
Reply to: Chron :fire: #BlazeSquad Co-Leader :fire:
Awesome, you should show every one this, give Mech Goku some love in the community
Reply to: Kai
One of the characters I was most curious about in dragon ball fusions heheh
I should say that have of the move set is made up