Pokémon fans every once in awhile will talk about some sort of game that will have all the regions in one. Obviously this will never happen because hardware limitations and the creator of Pokémon simply had said no to the idea.
If this was to ever happen though it would be in the form of a MMO, (Multi Massive Online Game). Again GameFreak stated that they would never create a MMO for Pokémon but that doesn't stop fan creations. Today on PKA I will be talking about the fan made game, PokéMMO.

PokéMMO is a game that released about two years ago if I'm correct. Over those years many changes and updates have been added to the game.
Just like any MMO when you login you create a character, customize him/her, pick your name and pick which region you want to start in, Kanto or Hoenn. Once you select one you'll pick what server you'll want to join. Theres only two and one is always offline so you'll probably wanna join the first one. After all this you will appear in the regular starting area where you normally would in either region.
Right off the bat you'll spot other trainers running around and playing through the game just like you. In the bottom left corner of the screen there is a public chat where players near you can talk with each other. Personally I ignore the public chat but it's whatever. Another thing you'll notice is that some trainers might be wearing hats or have wings. Although I haven't got to this part in the game yet there is a clothing store to customize your trainer and look better than everyone else. If you want you can download separate files that will allow for your Pokémon to walk behind you, just like in HG/SS.
Another thing you can do is make clans. With clans you can go into battles with other clans and show who's boss. Again I haven't done this, I'm only at the third gym. Speaking about gyms, once you beat the second one you can travel to the region you didn't pick to start in. Your Pokémon don't transfer over though so don't think you can get away with having a team of level 100's at the start.

A great feature PokéMMO has is the ability to make multiple characters. Of course any MMO has this such as World of Warcraft but it's nice in this case because each time you play through your team will most likely be different giving you a feeling of freshness.
Battling is the same as in any Pokémon game, same with the Pokémon you encounter. It feels like this game is a nice way to make the MMO and Pokémon experience simpler. With only adding one or two more features it feels just like the classic games but with other players.
If you're interested in getting PokéMMO it's quite simple and free. Just go to their website, make an account, download the launcher and a Rom of Fire Red. I know that isn't the best explanation but if you want a better one look it up on YouTube. Also don't fear Mac users, PokéMMO is available for all platforms.
I give PokéMMO a 8.5/10, keeping everything the same and not ruining the Pokémon flow and gameplay but also introducing new features that make the experience feel a lot more fun. If you haven't got PokéMMO yet then I insist you do.
#PKAPokéMMOTakeover (doubt that this will ever catch on).

I hope you enjoyed this blog. Sorry if I haven't posted in awhile (10 days). As always if you enjoyed then leave a like and please join PokéMMO if you ever have the chance. That's all from me, see you next time.
- Kips

Comments (53)
Reply to: Starman_Ness
Yeah I know how to breed .-.
Reply to: Kιpѕ
well you have to give (by that i mean you lose) the two pokemon you breed for their offspring
Reply to: Kιpѕ
Happy to help
Reply to: GhostlyTeKk
Awesome, thanks!
Reply to: Kιpѕ
Well you could attempt to capture mew2 there is only one in the game and every one wants it but the bad side is you can't keep it, if you have mew2 every one is alerted your location and they can challenge you to a battle and you are unable to say no if they beat you they get mew2 if you avoid battles mew2 will run away, also if you donate the shiny encounter rate is risin so you find shinys easer , also I advise you to go to e safari zone and capture chancy tell one has a lucky egg you can sell it to other players for around 300k lol