Hi people and pokemon welcome to abother blog today we will be talking about my top 10 favorite shiny pokemon now remember this is all my opinion lets get going shall we?

PINK!!!! I just love how shiny mega garchomp looks i dont usally like pink but when on a pokemon.... I like it

Its a angry lobster of course i need shiny mega gyarados here ITS A ANGRY LOBSTER ITS BEAUTIFUL

Were you expecting lugia to not appear on this list? Well over all lugias shiny form is great i love the white and red colours

SALAZZLEEEE TIME. I just love saying salazzle but i love white so i love salazzle.... Do you know how hard it is to find a family friendly picture of salazzle?

VAPOREON TIMMMEEEEE... I love the shiny version of vaporeon its so cute and purple/pink-ish

Litten.This was the starter i wanted to go on a journey in alola whit.. Until i saw its final evolution i chose popplio after that hehe... There is nothing wrong whit littens final stage its just popplio is just like me and it gave me a sign to choose popplio

I just lovw this shiny.... Its beautiful
Thats all...

Another oricorio i just love them these two are beautiful and so are there shiny forms

Another eeveelution shiny yay ^0^
Well yeah i love sylveons shiny that was the first shiny i got when joining pokemon amino me and finland have come a long way together
A pokemon that didnt make it

I love mews shiny form its blue so yeah but it didnt make the list but im shouting it out that you are my nr 11 spot now on to my favorite shiny of all...

Mega gardevoir... I. Love. Her/he. Shiny. Form
Yeah its beautiful my first ever shiny was a shiny ralts that was female so i thought oh shiny gardevoir huh coool
Thats the end of it i hope you liked it please consider then leaving a like comment you're favorite shiny if you want to
People and pokemon jenwhitthelugia is out PEACE

Comments (1)
Put #CuratorReview on it and will be more likely featured :3