♤ Name: quince Hawthorne ♤
♤ Name meaning(Singular Adjectives)♤
♤ Nicknames/Alias: none ♤
♤ Race: human ♤
♤ Race Traits(if any)♤
♤ Height: 5'11 ♤
♤ Weight: 184 lbs ♤
♤ Age ♤
♤ Eyecolor: light red♤
♤ Haircolor: deep red ♤
♤ Gender: female ♤
♤ Sexuality: biesexual ♤
♤ Scars: a big patch on scars on the end of her left stump right where her left elbow was ♤
♤ Aura: deep red ♤
♤ Semblance: juggle ♤
~Description: she can pulse 10-15% of her aura into something depending on the size and launch it into the air
♤ Weapons: thorns embrace ♤
~Description: its a green chain sword, scythe combo that has a segmented blade that can open up to turn into something similar to the chain of a chain saw it also is a 4 gauge shotgun/23 mm rifle
♤ Birthplace: mistral ♤
♤ Birthdate: May 6th ♤
♤ Zodiac: Taurus ♤
♤ Symbol: a demonic looking gauntlet ♤
♤ Parents/Relations: living parents not many friends♤
♤ About ♤
~Personality and Backstory: quince grew up in mistral not having many friends because her her slightly stubborn, aggressive, and serious personality which has led her to be extreamly protective of the things she cares about which lead to her losing her arm trying to distract a beowolf from one of her friends after straying to far from their village at the age of 8, she would eventually head to vale to attend beacon after completing combat school