”Tsk-tsk, little one. You can’t beat me~ nobody can!”
Hakai is an ancient evil, who is bound to eventually destroy all, even her closest allies and loved ones. Her past is hardly known to any. She is likely wanted on an extreme scale by any country you can name. She is incredibly powerful in magic.
Hakai is a nine-tailed kitsune, nearly unrivaled in power. Among spirits, her name is feared. Myths even go that speaking her name gives her more power. She has been known to take many forms, and has claimed many lives. She loves to kill.
”If you haven’t met me, but have heard and spoke of my name, the only way you will ever meet me will be my killing you~ tehehe!”
Hakai usually uses magic. The kind doesn’t matter; it’ll always be powerful. She almost never trifles with “mortal weapons.” The only times she uses a physical weapon are when she simply can’t afford to use magic, and the weapon is usually magical anyways. She prefers lightning magic.
Hakai is an eternal enemy of the kitsune now known as Jane Melbourne, and Jane is her enemy, too. She was the one who ordered her parents killed, simply because she wasn’t going to enjoy competition.
”Officers? Oh, please— I can kill all of them with a single word!”
If you happen to see her, do not, I repeat, DO NOT approach her. If she approaches you, run. Contact police. Do something other than challenge her.
Only someone with a death wish would challenge her.