Brandon "Bran the Builder" Stark is the founder of House Stark. He was credited with building Winterfell, the Wall, Storms End and castle High Tower of House Hightower. Some believe he may have been The Last Hero who saved mankind from the first invasion of the White Walkers.

Since the element of time travel/time looping has been exposed in the show Game of Thrones, there are a lot of theories that the currert Bran is Brandon Stark the Builder.

While it may be possible I'm inclined to believe he is not Bran the Builder....BUT.....I think he will be.

I believe the current Bran Stark will be a current version of The Last Hero. Bran's journey to find The Children of the Forest remarkbly parallels the story of original Last Hero, therefore, I believe that is his role in the upcoming war for the dawn.

Winterfell is currently partially destroyed after being sacked and burned by the Bolton Men but it still stands. I believe after the Battle for the Dawn has ended, Bran will lead the helm to rebuild Winterfell and be dubbed as Bran the Builder II.

Comments (29)
Epic!! Bran The Builder 2.0!! I hope this comes to fruition :pray: 🏻
Reading this makes me wonder, is Leaf foreshadowing Bran's future? When she answered Bran's confrontation for rising WW, she said that CotF made WW for defending from "you". Since BB was the first men. U get what I thought righttt
Men write stories of history for men to believe them. Such as the notion that men build such a wall. The arrogance, and ignorance, of man is rife throughout their books and claims all over Westeros. You forget that they made the world forget about magic.
I don't believe he will be Bran the Builder II. More likely BB V or so. There is no way the Bran the Builder was only one Bran but more likely several generations of Brans that did all the building of castles and the Wall. Unless the original Bran lived for more than 500 yrs.
Reply to: The Kings of Winter
I just see how one man could possibly build 3 fortified castles and the base of the Wall all in one lifetime.
Reply to: Man Of The Wall
Bran the Builder did not build the entire Winterfell that we see in the current G.O.T.
He built the 1st keep and the crypts. The rest was constructed, over the years, by various other Starks but not only the ones named "Bran".
Reply to: Man Of The Wall
The first Bran, the founder of House Stark was the only one called "The Builder". And it wasnt just because he built Winterfell. It was because he built The Wall, Storms End and the Tower of Castle High Tower
Like it but he needs a better name then II.