The Medical Term Meaning Abnormal Condition of Blue Is

Cirrhosis chronic degenerative disease of the liver with resultant yellowness of the liver and of the skin cyano Blue cyanoderma slightly bluish grayish slatelike or dark discoloration of the skin eosino Red rosy eosinophil bilobed leukocyte that stains a red rosy color with an acid dye erythro Red erythrocyte mature red blood cell. Combining form meaning color-ism Suffix meaning condition.

Color Medical Terms Prefixes And Terms For Color Globalrph

Suffixes meaning pertaining to ac al ic ine ous tic eal array ia.

. Eucholia paracanthoma a tumor arising alongside the thorn-layer of a cell enterostenosis narrowing of the intestine enterodynia condition of pain in the intestine acrocyanosis abnormal condition of having blue extremities hepatoma carcinoma of the liver. An instrument used to examine the inside of the joint. Rupture of protein in blood.

Tumor in the lymph. A tumor mass on the kidney. A physician who studies diseases examines biopsies and performs autopsies to determine the cause.

Tumor of a gland. Build a surgical term meaning excision of the adenoids. Condition of inflammation and swelling infection of the tissue around the nail.

The suffix meaning pain - algia. Medical Term Word Part Analysis 1. Blueness of the extremities is usually due to a reduced amount of oxygen supply to the hands and feet.

Suffix meaning abnormal condition. The term lithiasis means. -osis state of state of having blue pigment 2.

Gravity Cyanosis Click card to see definition Abnormal condition of blue discoloration of the skin caused by a lack of adequate oxygen in the blood. E stretching of tissue. CH11_Medical_Terminology_PART1_EYES_Word_Parts - Ch11 Medical Terminology - PART 1 - Eyes.

Increase in the amount and commonly an alteration of the quality of the fats. Fringe medicine A colour claimed in the pseudoscience of colour therapy to be antibacterial maintain circulation in optimum condition soothe nerves increase vitality treat rheumatic complaints and prevent cancer. Physics A colour corresponding to wavelengths 455-492 nm.

Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools. Start studying Medical Terminology Ch 4 Respiratory System Test Review Part 4. A Beginning of menstruation B Development of female characteristics.

Abnormal condition increase used primarily with blood cells -pathy disease -penia decrease deficiency -phagia. Click again to see term 137. Nycto Combining form meaning night.

Study of disease a branch of madicine dealing with the study of the cause of disease and death. Lithiasis - abnormal condition of stones cyanosis - abnormal condition of being blue Term. Podiatry - medical treatment of.

C constriction of tissue. The foundation of a medical term and contains its primary meaning. -logy study of branch of medicine involving diagnosis and treatment of conditions and diseases of the integumentary system 3.

Analyze each term presented below and list and define the word parts used to build each term. Acrocyanosis may be defined as the abnormal of blueness of the ____________________. Menarche refers to which of the following.

Inflammation of the colon eu-chol-ia Separate the following term into its individual parts. Pertaining to scale-like cells that cover the outside of the body epidermis and line the inner tubes of the body. Abnormal changes in the shape color texture and growth of the fingernails or toenails National Cancer Institute nd.

A abnormal condition of stones. It is important to spell and pronounce prefixes correctly. A abnormal condition of stones D penetrating a cavity.

Spondylosis is the medical term meaning abnormal condition of vertebrae. Irito Combining form meaning iris - colored part of the eye. Use cyano blue to build a word that means abnormal condition of blue skin.

Disease of lymph gland. The suffix meaning an abnormal condition osis. Chronic disease with abnormal hardening of the skin caused by formation of new collagen.

Drug slang A regional term for a depressant. Reno and nephro both mean. The prefix alters the meaning of the medical term.

Disturbance of sebaceous glands marked by increase in the flow of sebum.

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