Papers by Enzo Del Bufalo
We acknowledge the efforts made by the Lebanese Government over the last years and their importan... more We acknowledge the efforts made by the Lebanese Government over the last years and their important achievements: An increase in the per capita income, inflation control, some progress in reforming public administration, etc. We are ready to support the lending proposal made in the CAS; nevertheless, we have serious concerns about the government ability to manage the current fiscal deficit and the burden of public debt in relation to GDP.
This is a statement by Enzo Del Bufalo at the Board meeting of December 4, 1997 concerning the Co... more This is a statement by Enzo Del Bufalo at the Board meeting of December 4, 1997 concerning the Country Assistance Strategy for Lebanon.
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
We welcome Colombia's Country Assistance Strategy and commend the management and the staff for it... more We welcome Colombia's Country Assistance Strategy and commend the management and the staff for its preparation, especially the consultative process by which it was developed.
Revista Venezolana de Economía y Ciencias Sociales, May 1, 2005
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
Revista Venezolana de Economía y Ciencias Sociales, Aug 1, 2006
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, Jul 27, 2005
On behalf of my Nicaraguan authorities, I would like to thank the managment and staff of IDA for ... more On behalf of my Nicaraguan authorities, I would like to thank the managment and staff of IDA for preparing this Country Assistance Strategy.
Revista Venezolana de Economía y Ciencias Sociales, 2002
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
This is a statement by Enzo Del Bufalo at the Board meeting of December 4, 1997 concerning the Co... more This is a statement by Enzo Del Bufalo at the Board meeting of December 4, 1997 concerning the Country Assistance Strategy for Lebanon.
We congratulate the Government of Brazil for the effective steps taken to successfully overcome t... more We congratulate the Government of Brazil for the effective steps taken to successfully overcome the difficulties in the institutional and macroeconomic issues of recent years. The improvement of the macroeconomic environment and the favorable outlook of private sector-led growth, is remarkable. The economic and social progress experienced have been one of the best noted since the introduction of the Real Plan in mid-1994. We commend the staff of the World Bank and the IFC for having presented a very comprehensive CAS report.
Revista Venezolana de Economía y Ciencias Sociales, May 1, 2005
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto

Revista Venezolana de Economía y Ciencias Sociales, 2011
This article attempt to question the very nature of modern economy since the analysis of the orig... more This article attempt to question the very nature of modern economy since the analysis of the origin of the inestability created by the current economic crisis. Apologetics as well as detractors of modern economy agree in that it involves an economy organized by capital and coordinated by the market with the capitalism supervisión and even State intervention. Quiestioning the indistinctive use of the term market economy, it is argued that although economics historians and other colleagues frequently refer to market without capitalism and capitalisms wiothout markets, the identification between market and capitalism is still valid in the common sense and in the economic discourses. This embroiling of the market with capitalism has serious theoretical implications, so we have, on one hand, an ortodox economic theory that highlights market positive aspects and avoid to understand the funcioning modern capitalism and, on ther other hand, a critique that propose a new socialist orden by means of what Marx called the real submerging of society in the capital. This paer attempts to understand the specific differences that separate pure market from capitalism sice these very differences are the ones that prevent from reconstructing a more adequate economy for a free and equal people society which was in the past the dream of both liberalism and socialism.
Rev. Venez. de …, 2002
Page 1. Rev. Venez. de Econ. y Ciencias Sociales, 2002, vol. 8, nº 2 (mayo-agosto), pp. 5-6 ÍNDIC... more Page 1. Rev. Venez. de Econ. y Ciencias Sociales, 2002, vol. 8, nº 2 (mayo-agosto), pp. 5-6 ÍNDICE EDITORIAL ..... 7 ARTÍCULOS Colombia entre la guerra y la paz. Aproximación ...
Historizar el sistema capitalista de organización y dominación social es el primer paso para tras... more Historizar el sistema capitalista de organización y dominación social es el primer paso para trascender sus fundamentos, epistemológicos y prácticos. Es la primera exigencia de un pensamiento crítico, descolonizado e insumiso (como no puede dejar de ser el pensamiento creativo). ...
Revista Venezolana de Ciencias Sociales, 2005
This paper explains the nature of new world economy and how and why undermines the very foundati... more This paper explains the nature of new world economy and how and why undermines the very foundations of the national economy and those of the national State. All these changes represent a challenge for the tradional economy theory.
Papers by Enzo Del Bufalo
Hoy, en el ocaso de la modernidad, es más evidente que nunca la necesidad de indagar sobre el origen del individuo. La caída de las utopías colectivistas y el reordenamiento de las tensiones internacionales al margen de la disputa ideológica centrada en el marxismo leninismo, desvelan una condición de fondo que atrapa al hombre contemporáneo orgulloso de su individualidad y, al mismo tiempo, agobiado por un contexto social que lo obliga a entregar su ansia de libertad ora al Estado ora al mercado. Este dilema existencial del individuo lo muestra como lugar eminente de soberanía, pero de una soberanía sometida como bien lo señalaba Foucault en "La Microfísica del Poder".
¿Cuál es pues la historia de esta soberanía sometida que busca en el sueño de la libertad su definitiva realización? La utopía como motivo recurrente en todos los discursos que acompañan el ascenso del individuo desde su origen parece estrellarse permanentemente en la recomposición del despotismo que subsume la sociedad en el Estado o a disolverse en las relaciones cosificadoras del mercado. Un dilema que tiende a anular al individuo aplastándolo bajo el peso del cuerpo despótico o convertirlo en mera forma vacía de un mecanismo impersonal y automatizante. Una soberanía sometida al Estado y al mercado que, sin embargo, siempre se proyecta hacia el sueño de una realización absoluta; que aspira a ser soberanía efectiva como capacidad de apropiación ilimitada del universo.