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Launch Into
the Deep.

Help us launch a new pathway for AU toward a bright future as we raise $25 million over the next three years!

Then Jesus said, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” – Luke 5:4

The morning the Apostle Peter encountered Jesus for the first time, his nets were empty. His labor seemingly in vain. The future uncertain. The world as bleak as it ever was. Then Jesus changed everything. You remember what happened next. Amidst nets full to breaking, Jesus told Peter this was nothing compared to what was coming. Jesus brought forth abundant life. Joy as Peter had never known it. 
And a movement that would give hope to God’s people for all of eternity.

And Peter? All he had to do was look out into the deep, and in faith, launch.

Resourcing Anderson University’s Vision for 2040.

The Launch AU Campaign PROGRESS IN Raising $25M Over 3 Years.

  • 55% 55%
$13.7M raised toward the university goal of $25M.

We are Anderson University

We hold firm that Jesus’ invitation to launch out into the deep is real. We’ve experienced it. A small Bible training school founded with just 65 students has somehow impacted the lives of millions. After more than 107 years 
of abundant grace, we must believe this invitation remains. When we launch out in faith, God works.

Today, as part of the Launch 2040 Strategic Plan, we boldly do just that.

This university has a vision for future students, church partners, and neighbors in our community to meet the world’s deepest hungers with immeasurable hope. 
The vision will culminate in a new generation of Jesus-following world-changers, many of whom will set foot 
on our campus for the first time in 2040.

The work to prepare for this future is underway.

You have the opportunity to launch with us.

“In many ways, Launch 2040 is an ambitious capital campaign driven by a vision that is joyous, even with so much uncertainty in the world.”
John Pistole headshot
President John S. Pistole