Category Archives: Journal


Walking to the hospital, I am noticing the plain, boxy apartment buildings of Vancouver of the 40s and 50s, none renovated, in colours of pastel and forest. I can hear the voice of a friend Bert who left the city … Continue reading

Posted in Creative Non-Fiction, Family, Journal, Writing | Leave a comment

Goodbye to all that

It’s amazing how technology changes, and how technology changes us. After I got my website first set up, mainly to promote my books, I also decided to use it to share photos with friends, or strangers that came upon them. … Continue reading

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Donating clothes to charity, Sydney

I come from a family that saves things. Anything that’s useful should never, ever be thrown away. However, of my three brothers, I’m the one who’s the clothes horse. So, it’s important that I get rid of clothes once in … Continue reading

Posted in Australia, Getting Things Done, Journal, Stuff, Sydney | Leave a comment

Christmas in Vancouver: Diaries

My father types: 09/12/12, Saturday: Eggs, portuguese sausage, raisain toastSunWiiFit 51 yearsFiddledLunchCracked filbertsTV lazed.Supper, Not much explanation is needed for strangers. Portuguese sausage is spicy and when heated, an orange oil rises up and coats the cut surface. It is … Continue reading

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Christmas in Vancouver: Famous

My latest theory is that it was because I was the youngest child. Being the centre of attention, so cute and precocious, I somehow long had the idea that I would be famous. It’s odd to admit that I fantasized … Continue reading

Posted in Getting Things Done, Journal, Writing | Leave a comment

Christmas in Vancouver: Letters

I didn’t save every letter I received but I saved many. I come from generations of people who hoard and save, so it wasn’t a surprise to do this. A pattern of intense, deeply felt friendships was set early. Letters … Continue reading

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Christmas in Vancouver: Tears

I wept as I said goodbye to my family at the end of my Christmas visit of nine days. As displays of emotion are rare for us, I hid the tears, not particularly well, turning away and wiping my eyes. … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Journal | Leave a comment

Dreams that are out of date

I wake. The sheets are perfectly white. The mattress is hard. The air conditioning is on and noisy – but the room is a comfortable temperature. Hot sunlight creeps through the closed blinds, as does sounds of construction. I’m in … Continue reading

Posted in Journal, Travel, Writing | Leave a comment

A snapshot

Here is a snapshot of my life: It’s 7:20am. I have a teleconference for work with my manager in New York at 8am. I can’t seem to shake the remnants of the cold from weeks ago and I feel like … Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Journal, Writing | 1 Comment

So Good I Cried

So, before I can start my journal, which I feel a need to do, with so many things that have happened in the last week, I will share my good news, with the world, with my blog (which no one … Continue reading

Posted in Bowling Pin Fire, Journal, Writing | Leave a comment