Yes, y'all. It is indeed true.
There is a rumour that there is a ghost haunting class D17 in Taylor's College.
Sometimes, you can even hear her talking and giggling during lessons.
And me, being the genius I am, managed to take a picture of this elusive ghost.

Casper Stephanie, the friendly ghost.
A conversation in the car a few nights ago.
Mum: Eh, Angeline, can download for me the neh neh neh song arh?
Me: O__o What neh neh neh song? No such thing!
Aaron: I wanna make love right now.
-Continues lecturing Aaron-
This morning in the car on the way to college,
*song comes on radio*
Mum: (excitedly) There! This is the neh neh neh song I wanted!
Me: *Listens*
I wanna make love right now na na..Oh. That was what Aaron meant that night. Whoops. xD
Mum didn't want the song anymore once she understood the lyrics. =D
And to those who live under a rock, its Right Now (Na Na Na) by Akon.
Once upon a time, there was a group of people who were AC (Asia Cafe) fanatics.
They had lunch at AC nearly everyday.
One day, they got sick of AC and decided to try different places.
They went to McDonalds yesterday and Noodle Station today.
(All pictures were taken by Geraldine's hp)

Noodle Station logo

You can tell that we are college kids by the amount of books on the table.

Yi Ling and Geraldine

Me, Qian Xin and Geraldine. Green Cushions!

Group Pic. D: I look weird.
Front row (from left): Geraldine, Qian Xin
Second row: Maryam, Me, Kash, Yi Ling, Huey Jen
Saw a cute shirt someone wore to college today.
It said:
" We all want to kill the sexiest people alive, but suicide is crime."P/S: Not very interesting, but I just wanted to update the blog. =D
Too bad my Mr. Right didn't turn up in time for this years Valentine's.
But I still have my friends and family anyway.
=D You guys are awesome.
Unbloomed roses for all of you. Happy Valentine's Day.

Do you realise how some nursery rhymes are strangely morbid and depressing?
It seems as though the nursery rhymes try to blind people with cheery notes and rhymes that people don't notice their true meanings.
For instance, the forever popular Rock-A-Bye-Baby.
Rock-a-bye baby, on the treetop,
When the wind blows, the cradle will rock,
When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall,
And down will come baby, cradle and all.
Now, what do you think happens to lil ol' baby when the cradle comes crashing down?
Something not very happy.
And people wonder why babies wont shut up when you sing them lullabies.
Next up, Jack and Jill.
Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water.
Jack fell down and broke his crown,
And Jill came tumbling after.
The second verse of the rhyme is less commonly performed:
Up Jack got and home did trot
As fast as he could he fell back down;
And went to bed to mend his head
With vinegar and brown paper.
A pair of uncoordinated siblings falling down from a mountain. And mending your head with vinegar and brown paper? Jeez. Doctors will be spinning in their graves.
There are lots and lots more. The old woman who lives in a shoe who whipped little underfed kids. Poor ol' Georgie Porgie who couldn't make friends and resorted to kissing girls. Humpty Dumpty smashed into pieces.
The nursery rhyme that really pisses me off isn't really morbid, but irritating nonetheless.
Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.
Great way to tell kids that life is just great, right? Note the sarcasm.
If people think media is making kids warped, they should seriously look into these nursery rhymes they play on tape for little kiddies everyday.
The main purpose of the trip was to interview Orang Asli at Cameron Highlands for our Malaysian Studies project. If you didn't know there is an Orang Asli village there, shame on you!
I didn't know either until Yi Ling told me.We left on Saturday and came back on Sunday. Pretty short trip, but it was awesome. The only bad bit was the bus was filthy and very bumpy. :(
So, pictures!
Orang Asli Village:
From left: Me, Kash, Yih Ming, Josephine, Stephanie and Qian Xin
The Village

Qian Xin and her cute Orang Asli baby
Not much pics of the Orang Asli cause most of them are in Stephanie's camera.
Next, Strawberry Farm.
Stephanie was with her family, so it was only 5 of us.

Group Picture

Qian Xin camwhoring with a rose.

The trademark Yih Ming smile.

Kash and cactuses. Or is it cacti?

Josephine and Me. Notice Qian Xin at the back.
This flower was trying to be different among its yellow friends.
If anyone is gonna go Cameron anytime soon, do visit the strawberry farm and try their strawberry ice-cream! It is really sweetish, fresh,like eating a cold strawberry. It's the one Yih Ming is holding in her picture.
P/S: There are rumors that SPM results are gonna be released on 23rd Feb or 12th March. Oh Crap.
Off to Camron Highlands with friends for the weekend! =D