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Reviews for Kami no Tou (2024) (3.16)

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Haneda Kouji Kashima Isamitsu Kitazawa Seigo Masuda Chie Matsuo Masahiko Ogata Hiromi Suzuki Akira Takeuchi Kazuyoshi Xu Chenyin Kami no Tou (2024) The anime that begat the lie of “a new era for anime” is back with more nonsense for the average viewer to wonder how this was ever supposed to usher a new era when it’s so poorly written. I... AniDB Twitter - Unrated - Preview

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Average 3.16
Animation 6
Sound 5
Story 3
Character 3
Value 1
Enjoyment 1
The anime that begat the lie of “a new era for anime” is back with more nonsense for the average viewer to wonder how this was ever supposed to usher a new era when it’s so poorly written.

It starts by crapping on one of the few things everyone was pleased about the previous season. The artwork is now completely generic and you can confuse it with any other generic show out there. Not just in terms of artstyle but also designs. The new characters are now plain looking and the main girl wastes no time in sexualizing herself. You know, like in any generic anime.

The show attempts to give the bland slice of white toast that is the main character a reason to continue his ascend of the tower. It basically comes down to “find waifu and unravel mysteries by getting stronger” none of which happen organically because it’s poorly written. Ban (this bland archetype) doesn’t care about unraveling mysteries and should have lost interest in his waifu after her betrayal. But since the show somehow needs to continue with this loser as the protagonist, it wants you to think he cares about mysteries and the traitorous waifu as well as getting stronger being the only way he can use to achieve the other two. Because it’s a poorly written story.

The anime has the audacity to show you all the secondary characters of the first season sitting on a table and doing absolutely nothing. In case you somehow cared about these bland archetypes, stop doing it since you will never see them again. The brilliant writer removes them from the plot after you are supposed to be invested in them, in favor of introducing more characters who are equally bland. Make sure not to care about them either; they get a similar treatment down the line. Because it’s a poorly written story.

Then we get a time-skip and now we are at the 20th level. If for some reason you thought you would get to see each and every one of them and marvel at their amazing world-building, well, sucks to be you. You got duped, exactly as you did with Sword Art Online, which is supposed to be an inspiration for Tower of God. Remember when the trailers made you think there would be several episodes for each level? You only get glimpses of a few levels and in a hurry. Because it’s a poorly written story.

So, on this new level we get a generic city. There is nothing special about it and yet the show is hailed as good as One Piece when it comes to world building. Then the rules change once again and now you have to pay money to willingly join the tests of the tower when before that you get teleported unwillingly inside completely for free. You didn’t seriously expect any consistency in the rules, did you? So, how much do the fees matter in the plot? Not in the slightest since grown-ass men won’t have the money, while 5 year old girls will. Also, it’s the 20th level and somehow 5 year olds are still in the game. Because it’s a poorly written story.

The protagonist is a participant, and he now has a completely different personality. Instead of being a clueless bland slice of white toast now he is an edgy bland slice of white toast. Hurrah, character development that happened instantly and out of screen along with a time skip. Because it’s a poorly written story.

So, what is the toast with legs doing in the tower this time? Honestly, not even he knows. One moment he beats up anyone he comes across, the next moment he doesn’t harm anyone. Then he changes his mind and beats them up anyways. No consistency whatsoever. Oh, also he is a rebel now, out to kill the king of the tower. How do you know that? Because he wears a black robe with the insignia of the rebellion. With it, everyone instantly knows he is a rebel. Including the organizers of the tests of the tower, who work for the king. Why do they allow the walking toast to participate and don’t instantly arrest him and interrogate him? Because it’s a poorly written story.

The show attempts to make you care about the new characters in a way only a 50 year old Dragonball fan would. By giving each one of them a power level, which means nothing since it can change based on emotions and whatnot. Also it sexualizes the main female character because when you don’t have personality you can substitute it with revealing the color of your underwear.

Then the show does the usual nonsense of spending half an episode on explaining the rules of a test, as if they matter. They don’t. They never did. All you have to do is punch hard enough to win. Every single time.

And that is why this trash is considered the best Korean webcomic of all times by tens of thousands of people. Just imagine how worse the rest of them are if trash is the best you get.

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