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Reviews for D.Gray-man (6.44)

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Morioka Hideyuki Nabeshima Osamu D.Gray-man ::::Just a small edit for roriconfan as he seems to have somewhat misunderstood the nature of this review:::: THIS IS NOT A FULL REVIEW - IT IS A PERSONAL `BREAK DOWN` OF THE ANIME[... AniDB Twitter - Unrated

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Average 7.33
Animation 10
Sound 10
Story 3
Character 10
Value 7
Enjoyment 4
::::Just a small edit for roriconfan as he seems to have somewhat misunderstood the nature of this review::::


after watching every episode this is a little break down of what 'I' personally think of the anime but at the same time it WONT be a full on review & I will explain why later. I would try to summerise the story a little but the description on the front page is more then sufficient.

Animation: the usual

Sound - the sound tracks are amazing - Highly recommended you buy/borrow/steal the soundtrack

Story/Character - Well heres where things start to get rocky.... it story starts of from when Allen Walker first joined the Black-Order & through out more or less every episode asside from a small handful. has been focused on Allen. & as you carry on watching you gradually find out who Allen is, what he does & why he does it. which totally imerses you into the story as he will talk about things which happend in his life that defines him & who he is.

The anime focuses so much on character development that they do run out of time & cut the story short with out explaining all that has happend in the last final epsodes which to me has totally ruined what would have been a great anime.

things like their 'innocense' - on the last 2-3 episodes Leena Lees innocense evolves - just when they discoverd that Leena Lee might be the 'heart' (they didnt explain what that meant either) & talking about innocense evolving - it evolves on the very last 2 episodes but theres so much their trying to push into the last few episodes that they dont explain any of it.

Alistar Krowry has finally awaked from his battle with Jaspa-devi so many many episodes ago - another thing that wasnt explained.

the story behind Kanda's tattoo & his healing abilities.- even though Kanda was always played apart from an early stage in the series - he is one of the most sidelined & undeveloped chars in the anime.

What the hell happend to Tyki Mik after the Earl saved him???

the list goes on.....

there are so many loose ends as the anime ended so sbruptly but in the end the best way to summerise the WHOLE series from 1-103 is...

Allen Walker joins the Black Order to fight demons & their leader - the Millenium Earl to prevent them from destroying humantiy - Allen walker destroys a critical tool thats used to make demons but nobody knows that the Earl has is or has or is building another tool to replace the one thats destroyed - THE END.

I can carry on telling you whats wrong with this Anime but to be honest its not worth my time.

I enjoyed it at the start - but once you find out that this anime amounts to NOTHING due to the ending totally screwing up the story. watching it becomes a totally pointless endevour.

my suggestion? go read the manga instead & avoid the animation unless your really desperate for something to watch.

Its fine if you dont agree with what i have said - I dont care - these are my personal opinions. so you can take your stupid anime & shove it up your ass

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