Kawamura Toshie
Sakamoto Chiyoko
Suganuma Eiji
Karneval- An anime with a strong plot, great characters, and amazing artwork. At first glance, Karneval looks like nothing more than a bishie parade. Which is sorta true, [s...
- Unrated
02.01.2014 21:01 - direct link
Vote |
8 |
Average |
8.83 |
Animation |
10 |
Sound |
8 |
Story |
10 |
Character |
9 |
Value |
8 |
Enjoyment |
8 |
Karneval- An anime with a strong plot, great characters, and amazing artwork.
At first glance, Karneval looks like nothing more than a bishie parade. Which is sorta true, beautiful people, beautiful people everywhere, but, if that is all you look at, and don't at least give Karneval a try, there is something wrong with you.
Karneval isn't that well known, which is a shame. It really is a good story. At least, the manga. Trying to smash great character development and a somewhat confusing plot into 13 episodes wasn't a great idea.
Art and Animation
Karneval's art is just superb. If I could give it more than a 10, I would. This goes for the manga and anime. Realistic proportions (other than Iva's big bewbs ) and interesting designs. I literally had my eyes glued to the screen. Each shot was beautifully done, and I could hardly find any slips like most anime. The characters actually change clothes, unlike most anime.
I don't remember much, didn't really fancy the OP & ED either. But there was this funny OST that always played when someone like Yogi showed up. This could have been better. Despite this, the character songs are a MUST LISTEN. Especially Gareki's, which he tells about how going through all that with Circus basically changed him, and how he finds his past self annoying.
A strong, interesting, well-developed story. "Circus"- The country's defense organization who fight off beings called "Varuga" and are tracking down an organization named "Kafka" in a fantasy world with weird city names, plant names and animal names. off the top of my head, Karasuna is one of the main towns, and Niji is what Nai is, a type of rare animal. Despite the series being VERY rushed and jam packed, the first episode seemed a bit slow.
i love almost every single characters, which doesn't come often with me.The only reason i gave this section a 9 is because they didn't do the development right. If they would have, it would be a 10. They jam-packed the series; If they would have followed the manga more, the rating would go up.
Gareki- Our thief. On my list of favorite characters, Gareki comes close in at #2, behind Shizuo, who is #1. Gareki, at first, is a rude, not caring type of person, but has a weak spot for women and children. As his description says, "When showered with affection, Gareki (metaphorically) puffs up like a cat and lashes out to hide his embarassment." I find this hilariously adorable, and is a part of his development. Although, they are times when Gareki is a douche bag. Recently, I came across a character who has many similarities with Gareki, and it's not just that they share the same VA- Hiroshi Kamiya. Both laid down in the slums, both act the same, both are "thugs", and both are badass. You should know by now who I am speaking of- yes, Levi of SnK. I think I found out the reason why I like Levi.
Nai- The adorable "shouta" of the series, Nai is an innocent young boy, and the protagonist. So far, I haven't come across a character as cute and innocent as Nai yet. He is a "niji"; A rare animal found in the "Niji Forest" of the Karneval World. He was made that way by the man he is, well, was, looking for, Karoku. In reality, Nai is half Niji, and has many mysteries surrounding him. Why was he made that way? Why are all the Varuga attracted to him?
Yogi- The comic relief of the show, Yogi is an eccentric young man with a sad past. He also has a "split personality", which everyone named "Silver Yogi". That Yogi is eccentric as well, but seems to be more sadistic. It is explained as to why and how he has Silver Yogi, which lets readers bond even more with him and his sad past. The way Yogi interacts with other characters is the probably the leading reason as to why the show makes people smile. He acts like an older brother to Nai, and is about as childish as him, but gets serious when needed. His interactions with Gareki are insanely hilarious, always getting "abused" by him whenever he showers him with affection.
Tsukumo-[/b] The beautiful female character who is down-to-earth. I actually like Tsukumo. She isn't annoying like most female characters, and her voice is soothing and beautiful. She is a strong fighter, and hardly relies on anyone to help her. Her past is still somewhat shrouded in mystery; We only know that she might have known Hirato since she was young
Hirato- Probably the most mysterious character in the series; We don't know much about him, just that he has an older brother and went to the Academy with Akari. He has a somewhat sinister smile and seems no one takes him seriously. Despite that, it seem he cares about everyone, in his own special way.
All in all, if the series was longer, it would have left room for way more development between the characters. They seriously missed on the fun between Gareki and Nai in the first few chapters. But, I still enjoyed it, no matter how fast-paced it was. It isn't a must see, but it shouldn't be ignored either. If you don't like the anime, the manga IS A MUST READ.
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