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Creator: 乱馬的歌劇団御一行様

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Music Production

Name Rating Credit Comment
Characters Christmas N/A (0) Vocals/Performed by (歌手) 歌手:麻生美代子;井上和彦;井上喜久子;大林隆之介;緒方賢一;佐久間レイ;島津冴子;鈴置洋孝;関俊彦;高山みなみ;千葉繁;鶴ひろみ;永井一郎;林原めぐみ;日髙のり子;松井菜桜子;三ッ矢雄二;山口勝平;山田栄子;山寺宏一
Lambada Ranma N/A (2) Vocals/Performed by (歌手)
Lambada Ranma (Curtain Call Version) N/A (0) Vocals/Performed by (歌手) 歌手:麻生美代子;井上和彦;井上喜久子;大林隆之介;緒方賢一;佐久間レイ;島津冴子;鈴置洋孝;関俊彦;高山みなみ;千葉繁;鶴ひろみ;永井一郎;林原めぐみ;日髙のり子;松井菜桜子;三ッ矢雄二;山口勝平;山田栄子;山寺宏一
Lambada Ranma `92 N/A (0) Vocals/Performed by (歌手)

Anime Songs

Song Image Anime Type Episodes Year Rating Average
Characters Christmas Ranma 1/2 Nettou Hen Ranma 1/2 Nettou Hen TV Series 143 1989 - 1992 6.75 (3619) 7.63 (3680)
Lambada Ranma
Lambada Ranma `92
Lambada Ranma (Curtain Call Version) Ranma 1/2: Nettou Uta Gassen Ranma 1/2: Nettou Uta Gassen OVA 2 1990 5.22 (247) 6.22 (248)