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Creator: 坪山昇治

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This is a virtual entry of a creator showing all the credits added for the given name.
If you wish to convert this virtual entry into a proper creator entry, then click on the convert entry button.
Note that this creates a change request which will be handled by a moderator.
This also does not automatically move the credits given for the virtual entry to the proper creator entry, the moderator will do that.

Anime Production

ImageName Type Eps Year Rating Average Block Credit in Episodes Comment
Clockwork Planet
Clockwork Planet
TV Series 12 2017 3.12 (1127) 5.69 (1136) 3DCG 1-4
Megaton-kyuu Musashi
Megaton-kyuu Musashi
TV Series 13 2021 3.65 (102) 5.17 (103) 3DCG Animation Assistance (CGアニメーション協力) 11 CONTORNO (株式会社CONTORNO)
Megaton-kyuu Musashi (2022)
Megaton-kyuu Musashi (2022)
TV Series 15 2022 - 2023 4.53 (38) 5.55 (38) Production Coordinator (プロダクションコーディネーター) 9-15
Beyblade X
Beyblade X
TV Series TBC 2023 - ???? 2.97 (16) 4.93 (16) CG Assistance (CGI協力) 1-6, 10, 18 CONTORNO (株式会社CONTORNO)