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post #41 by farce on 01.11.2013 05:58 (vote: hidden)

roman566 wrote:
It's quite simple, creators of the show introduced a new thing to the real world and made no attempts to show how it affected everything else. Even if the entire robot thing could not be reverse engineered some parts of it should be by the simple fact that someone had to BUILD those. Just take shields and put them on planes, ships and tanks. With this simple act those mechas are reduced from masters of the battlefield to some sort of super armored infantry. Replace normal cannons with energy weapons (not all of them, having BVR capability is nice) and super mechas are down to normal infantry.
Except it wasn't done here, we were just told that someone made super mechas and over the night all other weapons became obsolete and no one bothered to do some upgrades... this is why I consider this show to be unrealistic. Rest is just adding an insult to an injury.

Because while some of the more mundane tech are manufactured by various 3rd parties (weapons, powered armour plating, thrusters, etc), none of that matters if they can't power them for more than a few minutes (if not seconds) of operation.

That, and the IS core isn't just the power supply for all the mundane tech, but also the "black box" that provides for all the various super tech (like the actual shielding systems, anti-grav, hyper sensors, AI, etc), plus allows for full arsenals and the ISes themselves to be dematerialized, even to the point of being reduced down to the form of accessories.
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post #42 by roman566 on 01.11.2013 20:41

farce wrote:

Because while some of the more mundane tech are manufactured by various 3rd parties (weapons, powered armour plating, thrusters, etc), none of that matters if they can't power them for more than a few minutes (if not seconds) of operation.

That, and the IS core isn't just the power supply for all the mundane tech, but also the "black box" that provides for all the various super tech (like the actual shielding systems, anti-grav, hyper sensors, AI, etc), plus allows for full arsenals and the ISes themselves to be dematerialized, even to the point of being reduced down to the form of accessories.

Nuclear reactors anyone? We can power this stuff for as long as we want. Sure, tanks might not carry laser guns but ships? Why not.
And if the black box simply uses magic to create all this stuff... all we have to do is rip it apart and see how it works...
Even if the stuff actually those things ARE magic then we can still kill it with sheer firepower. Given that normal guns deplete IS shields I highly doubt that it would survive more than 10-20 seconds against a modern CIWS. Same for anti-air missiles, in real life the high speed missile dodge doesn't work like they shown in the first season.

Appearance of IS would force military to develop new weapons to counter them, just like it happened every time during the entire history of warfare, yet here it doesn't happen. For some reason the ONLY counter to IS is another IS... THAT is unrealistic. We are just told to go along with it. Sorry, but that' bit to much for my willing suspension of disbelief.
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post #43 by farce on 02.11.2013 07:56 (vote: hidden)

roman566 wrote:
Nuclear reactors anyone? We can power this stuff for as long as we want. Sure, tanks might not carry laser guns but ships? Why not.

Which just makes for massive, slow, and much easier to hit targets for ISes. Even assuming they can provide enough energy to maintain powered armour as protection for an extended period of time.

... There's a reason why most ISes have virtually no armour: The real protection is actually provided by their shields, the armour is mostly there to help external equipment that are not fully protected by the shields (and/or against speciality shield-penetrating weapons like Yukihira Nigata, which itself uses shield energy) survive a little longer against other ISes' weapons.

And if the black box simply uses magic to create all this stuff... all we have to do is rip it apart and see how it works...

Of course assuming that Tabane hasn't booby trapped IS cores to turn countries into craters if anybody actually forced one open... Also assuming that any tech available to most countries could even hope to crack open the internal shields of the IS cores in the first place.

Even if the stuff actually those things ARE magic then we can still kill it with sheer firepower. Given that normal guns deplete IS shields I highly doubt that it would survive more than 10-20 seconds against a modern CIWS. Same for anti-air missiles, in real life the high speed missile dodge doesn't work like they shown in the first season.

"Normal guns" backed up to an unknown extent by tech from the IS. As demonstrated by Tatenashi's "Mysterious Lady", ISes are capable of remotely providing offensive power even down to nanobots controlling water, and the "Silent Zephyrs" fires "energy beams" that can be bent (after they've already been fired) to track targets. Even the Silver Gospel from the first season could spam shots that moves nothing like "normal" ammo.

... All suggesting that even the "normal guns" used by ISes are actually not-so-normal.

Appearance of IS would force military to develop new weapons to counter them, just like it happened every time during the entire history of warfare, yet here it doesn't happen. For some reason the ONLY counter to IS is another IS... THAT is unrealistic. We are just told to go along with it. Sorry, but that' bit to much for my willing suspension of disbelief.

"Sufficiently advanced technology..."

In addition, miraculous reverse-engineering/adaptation of technologies (as you might see in Star Trek) where you don't actually have the requisite intermediate knowledge/technology/production capabilities to bridge the gap with, is every bit (if not more so) as unrealistic.

For a real-life example, despite the Davy Crockett and its tactical nuclear projectile originally being developed and produced back in the 50s, you don't see many (even the suicidally inclined) launching these into Israel or at US forces in Afganistan/Iraq, do you?
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post #44 by testakraze on 02.11.2013 17:49 (vote: hidden)

Oh God why!!!
Infinite fan service!!!
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post #45 by roman566 on 03.11.2013 20:16

farce wrote:

Which just makes for massive, slow, and much easier to hit targets for ISes. Even assuming they can provide enough energy to maintain powered armour as protection for an extended period of time.

... There's a reason why most ISes have virtually no armour: The real protection is actually provided by their shields, the armour is mostly there to help external equipment that are not fully protected by the shields (and/or against speciality shield-penetrating weapons like Yukihira Nigata, which itself uses shield energy) survive a little longer against other ISes' weapons.

Massive and bulky... like, you know, ships? For some reason ships still exist despite this obvious disadvantage, adding IS technology would make ships even more powerful, flying aircraft carriers anyone?

Of course assuming that Tabane hasn't booby trapped IS cores to turn countries into craters if anybody actually forced one open... Also assuming that any tech available to most countries could even hope to crack open the internal shields of the IS cores in the first place.

If anyone figured how to turn an IS core into bomb you CAN be sure that it WILL be made into a bomb and most likely used... one more reason to crush all this tech rather than let KIDS to play with it. 'I wonder what this Do Not Push button does...' And it was more than a decade, enough time to build stuff to crack IS core open, after all the technology to made one did not appear overnight...

"Normal guns" backed up to an unknown extent by tech from the IS. As demonstrated by Tatenashi's "Mysterious Lady", ISes are capable of remotely providing offensive power even down to nanobots controlling water, and the "Silent Zephyrs" fires "energy beams" that can be bent (after they've already been fired) to track targets. Even the Silver Gospel from the first season could spam shots that moves nothing like "normal" ammo.

... All suggesting that even the "normal guns" used by ISes are actually not-so-normal.

OK, but that chick pretending to be a guy still fired normal bullets and they somehow did manage to damage the shields. Energy beams are nice and everything, but unless they fire at 1c or very close to it (not the case in this show) I find them pointless, you can see them and they travel slow enough to make dodging possible... bullets and missiles (real life, not Macross version) are clearly superior. You need Matrix level bullet time to dodge them, not some fancy piloting.

"Sufficiently advanced technology..."

If IS is technology then it stands to reason that it is possible to recreate it or at least parts of it, that's the whole point of technology. Obviously if it's NOT possible to replicate it then IS are nothing more than magic and we can end the discussion right here, I have no reason to argue on technology vs magic.

In addition, miraculous reverse-engineering/adaptation of technologies (as you might see in Star Trek) where you don't actually have the requisite intermediate knowledge/technology/production capabilities to bridge the gap with, is every bit (if not more so) as unrealistic.

Did Edison had any knowledge about quantum mechanics? No, he merely created a way to generate electricity and use it. All theory describing in detail how and why it works came later. Do you think Wright Brothers had any knowledge of avionics? No, they were selling BIKES for God's sake! Gunpowder? An accident... Penicillin? The same...
Shall I continue? Many discoveries were done not because people had full understanding of what they are trying to do and the entire theory behind it, they were done because someone tried something and it worked, then they tried to figure out WHY.

BTW all I know about star trek is that they fight using technobabble. For information on reverse engineering please contact your nearest X-COM representative.
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post #46 by farce on 04.11.2013 10:30 (vote: hidden)

roman566 wrote:
Massive and bulky... like, you know, ships? For some reason ships still exist despite this obvious disadvantage, adding IS technology would make ships even more powerful, flying aircraft carriers anyone?

Thus showing a complete lack of understanding of how and why ships actually remain relevant today.

If anyone figured how to turn an IS core into bomb you CAN be sure that it WILL be made into a bomb and most likely used... one more reason to crush all this tech rather than let KIDS to play with it. 'I wonder what this Do Not Push button does...'

And yet since nobody has been able to unlock the secrets behind the IS cores (other than where the story hints that Tabane has been deliberately leaking out information in the first place, for her own purposes), much less even replicating them, it remains a completely moot point.

And it was more than a decade, enough time to build stuff to crack IS core open, after all the technology to made one did not appear overnight...

Except for all practical purpose in the story, it basically did. Nobody paid any serious attention to what Tabane was doing after laughing off her initial proposals, right up until she was actually ready to show her toys off to the world in a way that proved just how ridiculously far ahead she got in the meantime. By then, it had completely surpassed everything that came before her, with only her fully knowing the intermediate technologies leading up to what she demonstrated.

OK, but that chick pretending to be a guy still fired normal bullets and they somehow did manage to damage the shields.

You mean "fired normal bullets" from a normal gun? Or you mean "normal" looking bullets fired from a "normal" looking... IS weapons during school matches?

Energy beams are nice and everything, but unless they fire at 1c or very close to it (not the case in this show) I find them pointless, you can see them and they travel slow enough to make dodging possible... bullets and missiles (real life, not Macross version) are clearly superior. You need Matrix level bullet time to dodge them, not some fancy piloting.

Which sounds like "Unless "beam" weapons fires at light-speed or very close to it, they're useless compared to mere mach-speed projectiles". Good one.

... Again ignoring the hyper-sensors of the ISes, which allows pilots to receive, interpret and react to data faster than normal humans can (including dodging weapons being fired in a pilot's direction, or manoeuvring around an enclosed room at high speeds).

If IS is technology then it stands to reason that it is possible to recreate it or at least parts of it, that's the whole point of technology. Obviously if it's NOT possible to replicate it then IS are nothing more than magic and we can end the discussion right here, I have no reason to argue on technology vs magic.

So since tactical nuclear weapons are technology, therefore early industrial revolution engineers would be able to replicate them too, right? Who cares about all the intermediate technologies between them!

Did Edison had any knowledge about quantum mechanics? No, he merely created a way to generate electricity and use it. All theory describing in detail how and why it works came later. Do you think Wright Brothers had any knowledge of avionics? No, they were selling BIKES for God's sake! Gunpowder? An accident... Penicillin? The same...
Shall I continue? Many discoveries were done not because people had full understanding of what they are trying to do and the entire theory behind it, they were done because someone tried something and it worked, then they tried to figure out WHY.

Spectacularly missing the point. Did prehistoric man went from sticks and stones to laser-guided missiles with no intermediate technologies in between?
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post #47 by farce on 02.12.2013 07:54 (vote: hidden)

Episode 9:
Aw... Not unexpected, especially since the scene that foreshadows it didn't appear in episode 8 either. But poor Kanzashi, her moment in the sun with an over the top limit break version of Jesus Yamato's godly programming skills got neutered.
In the anime, she simply got around the Uchigane Nishiki's lack of an auto-tracking system for its missiles by just pulling up a virtual keyboard and manually guided them.

In the source material, she did it by dematerialising the armour around her arms and legs, have her IS project eight virtual keyboards (two per hand, another two per foot), and be able to multi-task to the point of simultaneously entering data using all eight keyboards (using both up and down motions from her fingers and toes).
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post #48 by Varaxis on 20.12.2013 22:45 (vote: hidden)

What an awkward series. Reintroduce characters from first season, introduce new character, run a few silly episodes of girls trying to compete for attention, add in some mystery element where possible relative to the MC appears, who gives the MC her attention in a rather violent and antagonistic way, then introduce yet another character with a weak sob story, and now a school trip episode... not enough episodes to really do anything. The silly episodes were kind of entertaining, and the new character introductions were entertaining, but the episodes with the antagonist don't seem to fit very well with the silliness on the side. Are they gonna end it by making Ichika and friends beat Madoka and impress her enough to make her transfer in to the school and join the "harem", defeating the other girl and her organization so badly that they retreat with major setbacks to their grand scheme?

Entertaining overall, mainly because I enjoy the comedy that the characters create. I probably shouldn't expect much buildup in series that's only a mere 12 episodes long, but using multiple episodes on building a relationship with 2 different characters, while having multiple other characters trying to get screen time, on top of the episodes dedicated to school events, and adding in some underground disruptive scheme... seems like they didn't give much thought in the planning phase about how to organize all this into 12 eps, and included too much stuff.
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post #49 by jddt on 23.12.2013 13:06 (vote: hidden)

That censoring; DVD/Blu-Ray sales through the roof.

Tried way to hard with the scenes of flat planes of reflective water, where I'm still not sure what he was contemplating. Very DEEP.

Guess I shouldn't have expected much, but still thought it would be able to hold together a coherent plot without filler every second episode.
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post #50 by dlobotomis on 29.12.2013 02:33 (vote: hidden)

Season 1 was watchable. but this one is just disappointing. not enough mecha action. The story is all over the place. As for harem its not enough fanservice. The only good thing coming out of this season is the Student council president, she kicks butt...
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post #51 by Offkorn on 05.01.2014 18:12 (vote: 6.50)

The student council president is awesome and both the comedy (assuming you like harem/romcom comedy) and action scenes are entertaining. That the ecchi is at a bearable level (with the notable exception of the fifth episode) is another plus.

There's very little of substance though, so only watch if you're in the mood for a fun time-waster.

Oh yeah, another thing to be aware of is that (just like the first season) the concluding battle is pretty random.
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post #52 by roman566 on 17.01.2014 11:43

farce wrote:

Thus showing a complete lack of understanding of how and why ships actually remain relevant today.

And you are missing the point of my words, it was to prove that a bulky weapon CAN be placed on a ship to make it even more powerful.

And yet since nobody has been able to unlock the secrets behind the IS cores (other than where the story hints that Tabane has been deliberately leaking out information in the first place, for her own purposes), much less even replicating them, it remains a completely moot point.

Wasn't you who said that was impossible to unlock cores because they can blow up? I simply pointed out that the cores blowing up wouldn't stop anyone.

Except for all practical purpose in the story, it basically did. Nobody paid any serious attention to what Tabane was doing after laughing off her initial proposals, right up until she was actually ready to show her toys off to the world in a way that proved just how ridiculously far ahead she got in the meantime. By then, it had completely surpassed everything that came before her, with only her fully knowing the intermediate technologies leading up to what she demonstrated.

Yet, everything she did, she did by using available technology. It comes to reason that an entire army of scientists should be able to replicate it, especially when they know it's actually doable.

You mean "fired normal bullets" from a normal gun? Or you mean "normal" looking bullets fired from a "normal" looking... IS weapons during school matches?

And your point is? I fail to see why she wouldn't be using commonly available lethal weapons, common sense was always absent in 99% of anime shows.

Which sounds like "Unless "beam" weapons fires at light-speed or very close to it, they're useless compared to mere mach-speed projectiles". Good one.

... Again ignoring the hyper-sensors of the ISes, which allows pilots to receive, interpret and react to data faster than normal humans can (including dodging weapons being fired in a pilot's direction, or manoeuvring around an enclosed room at high speeds).

React as fast as you can, dodging a projectile traveling at c is simply imposible due to the fact that the moment you learn about it is the moment you got hit by it.
The beams were slow enough that an average guy with no training could dodge them... try dodging a bullet you cannot even SEE! As for using sophisticated sensors to detect a bullet, know that modern army can throw a lot of bullets at the target, more that you could dodge. They also posses an arcane ability to jam enemy sensors or better yet - fire bullets that are being guided AT the enemy sensors, those sensors are after all a huge neon sing saying 'I am here, SHOOT ME!'.

So since tactical nuclear weapons are technology, therefore early industrial revolution engineers would be able to replicate them too, right? Who cares about all the intermediate technologies between them!

Again, you are missing the point. Nukes weren't build during industrial revolution because no one had tools and knowledge to do that. IS were build with tools that DO exist, all you need is knowledge HOW to build them.

Spectacularly missing the point. Did prehistoric man went from sticks and stones to laser-guided missiles with no intermediate technologies in between?

And your point is? I said many times - unless IS were made with magitech/super powers/deux ex machina, the technology to build them DOES exist. So just use it to build something else, it's not Start Trek where every piece of newly discovered technology will be used to deal with the Monster of the Week and be forgotten forever.

The bottom line is that the show is about mecha/powered armor and not normal military, it's also a cheap harem show whose writers couldn't care less about the military side of things. The IS could be as well classified as 'magic', they DO follow the basic of magic:
-can only be used by a special set of people
-cannot be replicated using science
-cannot be explained using science
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post #53 by hechicero on 19.01.2014 19:29 (vote: hidden)

yeah the explanation on how the IS works is iffy and quite shitty...
WHY do tyhey need "hypersensors" when they can't fucking fight beyond 20mts?...
why do they even bother with "long range units" when again.. they don't fight beyond any significant range...

oh and they can also AVOID LIGHT BEAMS (lasers, particle cannons, etc), so yeah, the pilots can move faster than light folks... (you can't see a laser shooting at you before it HITS YOU AS it moves at the speed of light in your medium) meaning the long range units DESTROY YOU AT KILOMETERS OF DISTANCE and you don't even know WTF is happening.
but nope, on stratos nope.... nopetisnky... BULLSHIT that's what it is.

don't get me started on "slow as molasses shitty missiles", why do they even bother with missiles when they never hit anything?, they move slower than the ISes... (hah, lol... right...) and detonate at random "just because"....

they also can't seem to be able to hit shit with machineguns... again, impossible to dodge a hail of bullets...

also 4, they can't seem to team up for shit, they always attack in sequence... i mean... one girl attacks... enemy dodges, then 2 s later OTHER GIRL does the same..., BULLFUCKINGSHIT!, if they have so called "super sensors", why the fuck don't they predict/work to lure ht eenemy into range of one of the cannons?, of whilst the retard melee guy is face to face someone comes from the back and WHAM fucking particle cannon in your FUCKING SKULL, and then when they hit the ground a good dose of more, because y'know..... you always double-tap...., netter disintegrated than sorry.....

all in all, pretty shitty sequel, nothing really advanced, everything is the same and they ended it with huge cliffhanger for a sequel..., honestly, i was expecting an ep13 by how ep12 finished, right int he middle of everything, not even S1 ended like that
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post #54 by Offkorn on 20.01.2014 02:16 (vote: 6.50)

Preface: Caring about realism in a sci-fi or fantasy series is self-defeating. They're fictional for a reason.

hechicero wrote:
WHY do tyhey need "hypersensors" when they can't fucking fight beyond 20mts?...
why do they even bother with "long range units" when again.. they don't fight beyond any significant range...

oh and they can also AVOID LIGHT BEAMS (lasers, particle cannons, etc), so yeah, the pilots can move faster than light folks... (you can't see a laser shooting at you before it HITS YOU AS it moves at the speed of light in your medium) meaning the long range units DESTROY YOU AT KILOMETERS OF DISTANCE and you don't even know WTF is happening.

Do you not see the connection between these two?

They actually explain it in the series: They're not dodging after the lasers have been fired, they're dodging just before the lasers have been fired.

don't get me started on "slow as molasses shitty missiles", why do they even bother with missiles when they never hit anything?, they move slower than the ISes... (hah, lol... right...) and detonate at random "just because"....

This is true of basically every Anime ever.

they also can't seem to be able to hit shit with machineguns... again, impossible to dodge a hail of bullets...

Never seen a show involving modern aircraft combat have you? Dodging machinegun bullets is what they do all day. Pretty sure they do this in Gundam as well.
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post #55 by hechicero on 23.01.2014 01:56 (vote: hidden)

dodging before they fire, goddam bullshit...
even if 90% of all anime has slow missiles, does not excuse it..... (f ex, go watch zipang, realistic missiles 100%, and there was also an anime about a fleet abd tornadoes that i can't remember 100% the name as well, somehting about defense fleets)
gundam IS excused, as it's 100% bullshit so it doesn't "disebliefs" it's own system (and they also explained that they can't fight BVR due to minovsky particles making radar useless in UC gundam).
but on IS?, you have "prsent day" stuff, standrd military, they even mention that the IS is a black box that rendered normal armies oboslete, yet it continously breaks it's own framework.

oh and aircraft combat has fixed forward looking single-borehole guns, even in real life it's possible to avoid with advanced dogfight manouvers(and they're both moving near or more than the speed of sound in a linear fashion and at considerable distance ~300/400m+), yet in staratos you have themn dual-wielding machineguns(with horrible dispersion y might add) at ranges of less than 50m yet they can't seem to hit shit.....
yeah, bullshit
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post #56 by aqt on 23.01.2014 02:16

Out of anything and everything that's wrong with this series, you choose that to complain about?
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post #57 by utcom on 24.01.2014 17:33 (vote: hidden)

worst than S01
two new girls but nothing relevant happens in 11cap the last cap its a copy of the s01 last cap
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post #58 by kentan on 11.08.2014 13:26 (vote: 2.50)

I've seen this half a year ago and I remember nothing apart from the characters, whom I already know from 1st season. Not that 1st season was anything magnificent, but if they mean to continue in this decreasing manner, third season will have a high possibility of causing brain damage and thus I will most likely not watch it.
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post #59 by razeez12 on 12.05.2020 02:06 (vote: hidden)

Story was non existent. Really at this point I wish it had even more ecchi scenes.

Series could have utilize more of the mechs. Introduction of new girls could have taken more advantage plot wise and ecchi scenes wise.

This could have been more but the plot wasn't explored enough to make it a standout series.