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post #181 by brunoais on 01.06.2015 12:02

Mortsyn wrote:

^ Err... That is the original one. Unless of course you're talking about the uncensored version. Because if you are; It's coming, just at a later date.

I meant the one on steam . Sorry for not being clear enough.
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post #182 by Offkorn on 13.07.2015 04:51 (vote: 4.00)

Starts off great, only to begin convulsing around the fourth episode as it trots out the girls' backstories in a neat little line. Though all that condensed sincerity is toxic enough on its own, exacerbating matters is how suddenly they're both introduced and concluded.

A shame such a fantastic comedic cast got saddled with such forced conflict/tragedy. Also a shame that the specials are nothing but pure softporn ecchi (each focused on a particular girl, the last being an older Kazuki).
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post #183 by brunoais on 13.07.2015 06:16

Yeah... The only one that can partly hold well together is the Angelic howl... The rest is too damn rushed.
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post #184 by wsl on 25.07.2015 22:16 (vote: 2.00)

This is a sadistic crap that no one should EVER watch
to ad its down side echi wise ha has enough fun service as honey to draw in viewers.
leaving the viewer 4 good episodes and 9 regret you saw them for the rest of your existance
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post #185 by eamonx on 18.01.2016 14:42 (vote: hidden)

It took me nearly a year to finish the VN. But I managed to do it.

Now, I'm watching through this... the animation is pretty interesting, and so far they've managed to shrink this massive 50hr+ VN while keeping some of the character development and important moments (for the first 3 episodes at least).

The first "arc" (eps 4&5) which is Michiru's route was really condensed. It was okay, but we hardly got to know the "other Michiru" and this route was arguably the best one in the VN. They sorta just about got it right but could have been a lot better.

Now I've gotten up to episode 6 (Yumiko's route) and it's become a shambles. They've changed quite a lot of stuff. For example, Yuuji wasn't told the purpose of being a bodyguard to Yumiko. He was never told to "fail on purpose" because it was thought he wouldn't be able to handle several men attacking him anyway, but they were wrong. Also, the whole siege of the school by armed police never happens. Yumiko never buys a gun or a grenade "online." And setting up the fake body. FFS, that was one of the most retarded things ever. None of that happens, and in the end they made her father seem not so bad of a guy. I guess they needed to change the story because a lot of Yumiko's route involves her and Yuuji getting romantically involved. Since this anime adaptation is trying to avoid the protagonist falling in love with any of the girls, they needed to change stuff. They did a good job, in that regard, with Michiru because in the VN, Yuuji does kiss her a second time (leading to Michiru falling in love and asking Yuuji to go out on pretend-dates), but in the anime Michiru runs off before Yuuji can kiss her a second time.

But the changes they made in the Yumiko route was torture to watch. Such a bad idea. Will be struggling to finish this. Hopefully they don't screw up the other routes.

Edit: Finished the anime. They ruined Sachi's route as well. Makina's was done fairly okay but it felt way too rushed near the end, I like how they chose to take something from the bad ending (where he shoots Makina's mother to death) and combined it with a good ending.

The only route that appears to have gotten the best deal is Amane's route. They dedicated four whole episodes to it, unlike just a single one for Yumiko's and Sachi's. They definitely did a good job portraying the survival and subsequent hell that Amane and Kazuki went through. But for some reason, they decided to completely alter the ending. The dead student's father is supposed to go after only Amane and Yuuji when they return to the forest. Not go after the school and take everyone hostage. I guess, the anime wanted to have an ending to it that involved all the cast.

Overall, nice animation, good first few episodes (the common route), but not so-good when adapting the heroine routes. The worst of them all was Yumiko's arc that was completely changed and butchered. The best one was Amane's arc because they decided to give her route the most number of episodes.
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post #186 by brunoais on 26.01.2016 22:12

Unfortunately... I agree with you, m8. It was hell rushed and some stuff was changed for no real reason.
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post #187 by kentan on 15.09.2016 11:16 (vote: 8.00)

When you know there is a lot of shows built on the same basics, you should try your best to be most original and step out of this crowd.

I’m talking about the harem genre, where every next show appears to just have jumped out of the previous one’s belly.
Especially nowadays when every second anime is like that, I believe it must be really hard to come up with something really original.

Grisaia no Kaijitsu did it successfully! Don’t get fooled by the first few episodes.
It has about every trope to be expected from harem, but it is conscious enough to serve every one of them in a funny and highly digestible way.
All of the characters are really likeable when you get to know them better, which you will throughout this first season.

There is one quite good consistent story, but in the first season, much more attention is paid to the stories of each individual harem girl.
And at least in my case, the more I watched the more interested I was in their whole world.

To give you just a little hint or a little taste of what you can expect:

MC who is not a wimp and is not afraid to use his harem girls
Schizophrenic fake tsundere, which has to be buried alive for 3 days to get a grip
Loli who is not afraid to aggressively French kiss her ‚papa‘
And much much much much more surprises

A must see for every ecchi/harem fan, really recommended for all others – a lot of value due to its originality.
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post #188 by Hinoe on 22.09.2016 00:42

>praising the grikaji anime as having "a lot of value due to its originality"

Go read the VN and see for yourself what its "originality" ended up doing.
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post #189 by sadlain2k7 on 29.03.2018 16:30 (vote: 2.00)

Felt like a waste of time to me. Boring from start to finish. None of the storys were convincing in any away, maybe due to the short span each "arc" got. Then there are those "specials", it is like they aren't even trying.
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post #190 by brunoais on 30.03.2018 10:06

sadlain2k7 wrote:

Felt like a waste of time to me. Boring from start to finish. None of the storys were convincing in any away, maybe due to the short span each "arc" got. Then there are those "specials", it is like they aren't even trying.

The VN explores the events much much better. Try it.
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post #191 by Offkorn on 30.03.2018 11:16 (vote: 4.00)

brunoais wrote:
The VN explores the events much much better. Try it.

If you enjoy mindlessly clicking through dialog while staring at static background image, sure, I guess it might qualify as 'much better'.
Hue Hue Hue-kun
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post #192 by Hinoe on 30.03.2018 11:24

>hasn't heard of automatic text advance

It's like you have no idea what you're talking about. Oh, wait -- you really don't.
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post #193 by brunoais on 30.03.2018 12:06

Yep... Seems like he clearly isn't. It only sustains the idea of such ppl who don't care about the story if things aren't moving around.... Oh wait... wait...... That was setting the bar too high... it's just an example of how they only care about the pretty moving pictures, not the actual story.
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post #194 by otakunami on 27.07.2018 21:50 (vote: hidden)

My Wife and her chest
Harem Girl
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post #195 by madkim on 09.10.2019 05:29 (vote: hidden)

I just watched the first episode,... so far.
But I have to tell someone about that special Moment, I just had in my anime-Life!

The whole episode just prepared that one moment of enlightenment!
I probably woke up the whole building with my reaction(5am,Wednesday)...
This is on the same level as OSS 117... though it’s not an anime.
Harem Girl
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post #196 by UnAmericanOtaku on 22.09.2020 06:07 (vote: 9.00)

I feel like I need to start drinking after watching this. Goddamn, if the term Melodramatic ever had an appropriate labeling, it should be on this anime. Not that it's a bad thing, this anime is great...but it can give someone PTSD, Jesus fuck.
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post #197 by brunoais on 22.09.2020 17:33

If the anime gives you PTSD, don't read the VN, you will pass out.
Much more fleshed out and explained, IMO