A less than average series, sometimes trying to include some funny moments without success, other times with some plot holes. The main character can be annoying! The third episode might be the best of the three.
Silly story with tons of eyecandy. It is that kind of for-guys thing, but it could actually be seen as somewhat shoujo-ish - the superwealthy girls controlling world and befriending new bishoujos, but it mostly shows in the decorative character designs (hand-drawing droolstuff...).
This is so badly written and not that well produced it can't even pass as a passable rule of cool. The second ova was the best, the third was the worst because it was the longest, the most absurd, and the most serious. Desert Rose from the same author and made by the same studio was way better.
post #1 by carcaroth on 13.07.2008 23:32 (vote: hidden)