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1 elbow gloves elbow gloves [F] 0 205 0 0 Elbow gloves are formal female gloves that reach until but not past the elbow. Formal gloves are typically worn with formal attire for fashion purposes; they generally serve no functional purpose. Elbow gloves are not to be confused with evening gloves, formal female gloves that reach beyond the elbow, or with formal wrist gloves, formal gloves that reach until the wrist or slightly onto the forearm, but not much beyond.
2 evening gloves evening gloves [F] 0 428 0 0 Evening gloves or opera gloves are formal female gloves that reach beyond the elbow. Formal gloves are typically worn with formal attire for fashion purposes; they generally serve no functional purpose. They are not to be confused with elbow gloves, formal female gloves that reach until but not past the elbow.
3 fingerless gloves [F] 0 706 0 0 Fingerless gloves or "glovelettes" are garments worn on the hands which resemble regular gloves in most ways, except that the finger columns are half-length and opened, allowing the top-half of the wearer's fingers to be shown. This provides much of the warmth retention without negatively impacting dexterity.
4 formal wrist gloves formal wrist gloves [F] 0 155 0 0 Formal wrist gloves are formal gloves that reach until the wrist or slightly onto the forearm, but not much beyond. Formal gloves are typically worn with formal attire for fashion purposes; they generally serve no functional purpose. Formal wrist gloves are not to be confused with elbow gloves, female-only gloves that reach until but not past the elbow, or with other wrist gloves that serve functional purposes, such as winter gloves.
5 winter gloves winter gloves [F] 0 10 0 0 Winter gloves are thick gloves, generally of heavy fabric and/or leather, designed to retain warmth in winter conditions.
6 work gloves work gloves [F] 0 63 0 0 Work gloves are heavy-duty gloves with an emphasis on functional protection from elements such as heat, crushing, puncture, chemicals, and rough surfaces. They are typically worn by blue-collar workers in professions that involve manual labour.