Support AOGHS
American Oil & Gas Historical Society (AOGHS) membership is free — please complete the registration form — but we need your annual financial support to maintain operations and this website. If everyone who enjoys our work helps fund it, we can expand our coverage.
Your Support makes a Difference
Individual contributions help AOGHS preserve U.S. petroleum history. Become part of this dedicated group of oil patch historians and energy educators.
Supporting AOGHS members mean a lot to AOGHS — and its future. Once registered (see form below), you will receive our monthly email newsletter — a summary of the website’s This Week in Petroleum History.
AOGHS is in the business of preserving petroleum history, which provides a context for understanding the modern energy industry. Donations also can be made via PayPal. Questions? Email AOGHS founder and executive director Bruce Wells ([email protected]) or call (202) 387-6996. Make checks payable to American Oil & Gas Historical society — or AOGHS — and mail to AOGHS 3204 18th St, NW, No. 3, Washington DC 20010. Thank you!
Thank you! Learn more about the AOGHS mission at FAQs.