Published Originally: August 12, 2020 Amended by Ms. Hunni: This turned out to be the end of AP as we knew it – forever longing for those days with these beautiful young minds. I figured[…]
Category: TED TALKS
Expression Through Music and Boxed Expectations
The following poem is about my journey through life, along with my perspective as a developing musician. This was inspired by the song Reverie in F minor by Dennis Alexander, which is currently my soul song,[…]
5. something conclusive
There’s is a certain dazzle and personality required for spoken word poetry and speeches that I have yet to capture in written form (as compared to when spoken); add pazzaz as needed for your full[…]
Step One: Forgive
DISCLAIMER: Just because I graduated DOES NOT MEAN I AM GOOD AT WRITING. With that said it is also 1:47am so chances are you’re going have to reread this. Feel free to critique me 🙂[…]
TED talk: the curse of the red-headed woman
{a play in three acts} act i {the resurrection} sometimes (all the time), i think i was a witch in a past life. (joan of arc, maybe. or morgan le fay. or[…]
So What Are You?
To those of you who don’t know me, or to those of you who do, I am a girl who likes to hide behind her facade, a wall between the external and internal, the separation[…]
Ted Talk: Heir to a Garden Heart
part 1: (child) When I was a child, my favorite flowers were tulipa tardas, these tiny pale yellow star-shaped blossoms. In the spring, they are the first to bloom and the first to die,[…]
“Love, A Child of Divorce” – TED TALK
Dear Someone, You are not used to girls who caution your touch, your heart, your eyes. Because girls fall in love with you all of the time, thoughtlessly. But I am not – I cannot,[…]