Golden Retriever Rescue of the Rockies

Volunteer Application

Golden Retriever Rescue is committed to our volunteers. Our By-Laws state that “all volunteers need not be members of GRRR, except for specific volunteer positions.” Among those positions requiring membership are any dog interface or dog handling work. Examples would be VIP dog walkers, dog transport team, etc. If you do become a member, your membership will entitle you to the monthly Volunteer Newsletter, The Golden Growl (our award winning quarterly newsletter), and entrance into our events at no charge. Membership starts at $50.00. We hope that you will enjoy being a member of the GRRR team.


Please fill out our Volunteer Application below. Visit our Volunteer Page for additional details. Note: GRRR does not have the ability to accommodate community service requirements.


If you desire to be on our Foster Home Team, please fill out the Foster/Volunteer ApplicationNote: GRRR rarely utilizes foster homes.

1. Name and Email

2. Address

3. Phone

4. What are your preferred contact method(s)? (Check all that apply)

5. What is the best time to contact you?

6. Occupation

7. What is your Birthdate?

8. List number of dogs in your household and years owned:

9. List number of children living in household and their ages:

10. Our main method of communication with our Volunteers is via Email!  Additionally, our very informative Newsletter is sent out Quarterly via email.  Please make sure you have entered your correct email address above!

11. Are you a current member of GRRR?

12. How did you hear about Golden Retriever Rescue of the Rockies?

13. Approximately how often do you prefer to volunteer for our organization?

14. Are you available via email during normal work hours? (Some of the jobs available require email access)


Volunteer Interests: Please select all applicable areas. 

Dog Interaction: Walking, Playing, Transport, etc. (Must be VIP Volunteer with Current Membership)

16. Do you have any comments or did we miss anything? (Limit 500 Characters)

17. Do you understand and agree that your volunteer services and any facility or equipment provided to GRRR can be subjected to risks that are inherent with handling or dealing with dogs as well as other circumstances; that you assume responsibility for those risks; that GRRR will not be responsible, unless otherwise agreed in writing, for harm or costs you might incur; and by volunteering you release GRRR, its Officers and representatives from any such claims?

18. I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy.

19. Date of Volunteer Application (please select today's date):