San Antonio Alamo Area Local #195
American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO
13102 Lookout Run
San Antonio, Texas 78233
Office: 210.271.0853
Fax: 210.224.6221
Email: [email protected]
You helped build our union. And now, as a postal retiree, you rely on the retirement benefits and healthcare coverage the union negotiated to enrich the quality of your life. Although you have moved on to a new chapter in your life, we hope you will remain involved with the union as an active member of the APWU San Antonio Alamo Area Retirees Department.
For only $36 per year which can be deducted in $3 increments from your monthly annuity check or billed yearly by mail.
How to Join
Any former member of the American Postal Workers Union is eligible for membership in the APWU Retirees Department.
To join, click here to download a membership form, call, write or visit the San Antonio Alamo Area Local at 13101 Lookout Run, San Antonio Tx
Joining the APWU Retirees Department is also a great way to stay in touch with old friends and make new ones! We meet every other month on the last Wednesday at 11 at the Union Hall. We usually have guest speakers that cover issues for our retires and then we provide a lunch.
Your membership entitles you to a voice in union affairs and to participate in:
You will also receive a certificate for a free $5,000 Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance policy, a continuing subscription to The American Postal Worker magazine, and access to the Members Only pages on the APWU Web site.